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Libraries for LED RGB Display 16x14. This library have active text and do not have bitmap function.
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LED RGB Display 8x6 console c++ example. Tested on RPi
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Source code of C++ example with wxWidgets GUI for LED RGB Display device by D-Logic.
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Software example written for Visual Studio .NET C#. Shows basic usage of uRF Series reader's API with integrated Led Ring with 24 RGB diodes. This demo also demonstrate changing sounds on uFR speakers.
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Software example written for Python. Shows port open function for uRF Series reader's.
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uFR NFC APDU Credit Card Reader Example
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Simple source code examples that demonstrate APDU SELECT_AID instruction and return string "Digital Logic" with SW = '90 00'. For the NFC Reader side, you can use ufr-apdu-examples-c.
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This is Android source code example for checking certificates and digital signatures with Digital Logic back end.
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Example of API usage for manipulation of NFC Type 2 Tag locking bytes with uFR Series readers. Software example written for Visual Studio .NET C#.
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Software example with source code, written for Delphi. Shows basic usage of Autonomal Identification Reader Series reader's API.
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Example of using uFR Series devices with ISO 14443-4 tags. The project will provide examples of how to use specific functionalities of ST M24SRxx tags: read file system, check Capability Container (CC), and NDEF content. ECLIPSE project, written in GCC.
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Executable tool for initialization and personalization of contact SAM (Secure Access Module) contact cards
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MIFARE C# console example for NFC uFR reader API.
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Example of API usage for manipulation of NFC Type 2 Tag locking bytes with uFR Series readers. Software example is written for Python, console.
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Python source code example for using AIS Readers Lib in console mode
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This is Restlet client example for checking certificates and digital signatures with Digital Logic back end.
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MIFARE C# GUI example for NFC uFR reader API.
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Console software example for uFR reader port opening written in C programming language. All platforms and systems are supported, including Raspberry PI (RPi) with RPI Shields for uFR Series devices. Search terms: console C, readeropen, port open.
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Android source code example of using uFR NFC data exchange through card emulation. uFR reader emulates NFC NTAG card, sends and receives data. On the PC side, you need to have ufr-examples-csharp-nfc_data_exchange_through_card_emulation software.