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Static libraries needed to compile standalone executable aplications. Libraries: wxWidgets, ftdi, uFCoder
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This project contains dynamic libraries for use with TWR PRO Series devices which are implemented in TWR PRO SDK examples. Library changes are propagated to SDK examples automatically.
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Source code example for using our uFR NFC Readers with cpp and QT graphical interface.
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Console software example for NFC uFR reader API written in C programming language. Example supports SAM and internal key storage. Platforms supported: Windows, Linux, macOS, Raspberry PI (RPi) with RPI Shields.
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Software example written for Delphi. Shows basic usage of uRF Series reader's API. Three basic usage software examples are formed by difficulty level: Simplest, Simple, and Advanced.
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Software example written for Electron and native implementation of uFR Libraries. Shows basic usage of uFR Series reader's API. Basic API for interacting with Mifare® Classic and Type 2 Tags.
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A small console demo will read the URL written in the NFC tag and launch the default OS browser. Works on RPi too. Look for video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1OGiuW9AJE
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Software example is written for Node.js and native implementation of uFR Libraries. Shows basic usage of uRF Series reader's API. Three basic usage software examples with the Mifare® Calssic card family.
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Example of API usage for manipulation of NFC Type 2 Tag locking bytes with uFR Series readers. Software example written for Visual Studio .NET C#.
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Example of API usage for manipulation of NFC Type 2 Tag locking bytes with uFR Series readers. Software example is written for Python, console.
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Example how to use specific funcionalities of T2T tags : read apges, write pages, authenticate to Ultralight EV1 with PWD, check counters and similar.
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C# access control example for Base HD devices with uFR support firmware (uFR XRC). Search Keywords: mifare, C#, c sharp, Csharp, SDK, lock, access, control, access control, Base HD, BaseHD, Base, HD, XRC.
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Setting up AID for Mobile Unique ID via NFC Application
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Multi-card mode demonstration using advantages of the ISO-14443-3 anti-collision algorithm. Search Keywords: anti, collision, anticollision, anti-collision, anti-collision, multi card, multi-card, multi, card
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Source code of uFR APDU example for reading unencrypted - public data from NFC credit cards
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Source code of uFR APDU example for reading unencrypted - public data from NFC credit cards. C++ WxWidgets GUI
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C# Source code of uFR APDU example for reading unencrypted - public data from NFC credit cards.
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uFR NFC APDU Credit Card Reader Example
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Java source code of uFR APDU example for reading unencrypted - public data from NFC credit cards
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Example with source code for sending APDU commands to uFR reader on Android