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  1. Jun 11, 2018
    • developer2's avatar
      Revision 1.3 · f20825f7
      developer2 authored
      Added missing descriptions for READER_KEYS_LOCK, READER_KEYS_UNLOCK, and READER_PASSWORD_WRITE commands.
      Added hardware reset explanation.
      Originality checking and READ_ECC_SIGNATURE command.
      Added missing descriptions for READ_COUNTER and INCREMENT_COUNTER commands (NFC Type 2 Tags)
      Added missing description for GET_NFC_T2T_VERSION command (NFC Type 2 Tags)
      Added missing card type constants in GET_DLOGIC_CARD_TYPE table.
  2. May 31, 2018
  3. May 30, 2018
  4. May 29, 2018
    • developer4's avatar
      uFR COM Protocol 1.1 · 9851a268
      developer4 authored
      -PKI infrastructure and digital signature support - Fully supported from firmware version 3.9.55
      -Changed date format in a Change log. Now we use more universal ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ date format.
  5. May 23, 2018
  6. Dec 05, 2017