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  1. Jul 20, 2017
    • developer4's avatar
      class DlReader v2.8 · 2025614b
      developer4 authored
      Added support for APDU commands:
      -New method:
       public synchronized void setISO14443_4_Mode() throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
       Select ISO14443-4A tag and "open channel for the APDU commands" to the ISO14443-4A tag supporting APDU protocol.
      -New method:
       public synchronized void s_block_deselect() throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
       Deselect ISO14443-4A tag. This is a mandatory call after finished one or more APDU transactions with a previously selected ISO14443-4A tag. Otherwise reader will be blocked for further work and you will be forced to call readerReset().
      -New method:
       public synchronized byte[] APDUPlainTransceive(byte[] c_apdu) throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
       Function that send c_apdu bytes to the to the ISO14443-4A tag supporting APDU protocol and, after successfully executed APDU command by the tag selected returns R-APDU. Count of the R-APDU bytes varies depending on the issued APDU command. Minimum number of the R-APDU bytes is 2 and in that case contains SW1 and SW2.
  2. Jun 23, 2017
    • developer4's avatar
      class DlReader v2.7 · 1e0d9e12
      developer4 authored
      Added new method:
      public synchronized void blockWrite(byte[] data, byte block_address, byte auth_mode, byte[] key) throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
      Write data (16 bytes) in to the blocks designated by the block_address parameter.
      On the Mifare Classic compatible cards You have to skip direct write in to sector trailers. Otherwise You get an exception with code = 10 (FORBIDEN_DIRECT_WRITE_IN_SECTOR_TRAILER = 0x0A).
  3. Oct 21, 2016
    • developer14's avatar
      *class DlReader v2.6 · 1de01620
      developer14 authored
      +Added new constants that represent error codes for exception handling:
          - DL_READER_NO_DEVICE_ATTACHED = 1001;
  4. Jul 11, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      class DlReader v2.6 · ab9f0a91
      developer4 authored
      Fixed unchecked java.lang.NullPointerException (by throwing new DlReaderException("UFR_COMMUNICATION_TERMINATED") ) in net.dlogic.ufr.lib.DlReader$ComProtocol.portRead from com.ftdi.j2xx.ProcessInCtrl.readBulkInData() at
  5. Jun 28, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      class DlReader v2.5 · 471e3a14
      developer4 authored
      Improvements in CloseAoAEndpoints() when uFR device is in sleep mode on closing.
      In D-Logic usb_2_usb power bridge interface is implemented USB2USB_PING command for getting response when only bridge device is connected and when uFR is in sleep.
      Applicable on D-Logic usb_2_usb power bridge interface from firmware version 5(6).
  6. Jun 27, 2016
  7. Jun 17, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      class DlReader v2.4 · 8df58ea0
      developer4 authored
      - Improvements in killAoAEndpoints().
      - New method usb2usbResetUfr() which serve as a patch for LG G3 and similar Android devices connected to D-Logic usb_2_usb power bridge interface.
      - Patch for LG G3 and similar Android devices implemented in open() method.
      - The problem with LG G3 and similar Android devices is bad power status detecting algorithm in their API. When usb_2_usb power bridge interface switch from AoA to OTG mode, Android device does not detect there is no power supply attached until OTG ID pin goes logic high for a while. This will reset and restore true Android power status.
      - For most devices having Android version greater than 4.4 (KitKat), the only way when attachedAndroid Open Accessory device is plugged out from the USB port is to terminate Application by calling. android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid().
  8. May 26, 2016
    • developer13's avatar
      class DlReader v2.3 · d92e8cb8
      developer13 authored
      - Improved algorithm for detecting connection/disconnection of the uFR devices.
      - For most devices not supporting USB Host mode (without OTG) only way when attached Android Open Accessory device is plugged out from the USB port is to terminate Application by calling android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()).
      - On Android devices having API 21 or higher, it is recommended to put //android:autoRemoveFromRecents="true"// in <activity> tag of the AndroidManifest.xml file.
  9. May 19, 2016
  10. May 18, 2016
  11. May 13, 2016
  12. Apr 25, 2016
    • developer13's avatar
    • developer13's avatar
      Updated ufr-lib-android-readme.txt · b713071e
      developer13 authored
      Added FTDI Java d2xx library download link.
    • developer13's avatar
      Repository rearrangement. · 09f91dd2
      developer13 authored
      Renamed / moved and FTDI url link to root folder.
    • developer13's avatar
      class DlReader · 0d7f1369
      developer13 authored
       22.04.2016. class DlReader v1.8
                   - Added support for DLogic AoA interfaces based on FTDI Vinculum II
                     and AoA uFR interfaces based on FT312D chips.
                   - AoA support implemented without any public methods.
       04.12.2015. class DlReader v1.7
                   - Added method getNumOfDlDevices()
       03.12.2015. class DlReader v1.6
                   - in ComProtocol.portWrite() from this version we use an nonblocking write()
                     overloaded method from the FTDI class and we have implemented retry count
                     (Consts.MAX_COMMUNICATION_BREAK_RETRIES times) on communication break. If
                     number of communication break retries exceeded, raised DlReaderException have
                     Consts.DL_READER_IS_NOT_CONNECTED err_code and usb device is closed. This algorithm
                     solve usb otg device disconnect detection problem on the Runbo X5 and probably some
                     other Android smart phones with usb otg port.
       01.12.2015. class DlReader v1.5
                   - New method:
                         public synchronized boolean readerStillConnected()
                             returns true if device still connected to the system (false otherwise).
                   - New Status Consts in DlReader.DlReaderException (defined in DlReader.Consts):
                         public static final int DL_READER_COMMUNICATION_BREAK = 0x50;
                             raised when there is communication problem (mostly hardware problems).
                         public static final int DL_READER_IS_NOT_CONNECTED = 0x104;
                             raised when the device is disconnected from the Android system (if device is
                             still attached to the system check cable, connectors and/or device).
       15.06.2015. class DlReader v1.3
                   - Implementation of the new functionality (Sleep mode of the attached nFR device).
                   - New methods:   public synchronized void enterSleepMode() throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
                                    public synchronized void leaveSleepMode() throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
       12.05.2015. class DlReader v1.0
                   - First public release.