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Commit 8df58ea0 authored by developer4's avatar developer4
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class DlReader v2.4

- Improvements in killAoAEndpoints().
- New method usb2usbResetUfr() which serve as a patch for LG G3 and similar Android devices connected to D-Logic usb_2_usb power bridge interface.
- Patch for LG G3 and similar Android devices implemented in open() method.
- The problem with LG G3 and similar Android devices is bad power status detecting algorithm in their API. When usb_2_usb power bridge interface switch from AoA to OTG mode, Android device does not detect there is no power supply attached until OTG ID pin goes logic high for a while. This will reset and restore true Android power status.
- For most devices having Android version greater than 4.4 (KitKat), the only way when attachedAndroid Open Accessory device is plugged out from the USB port is to terminate Application by calling. android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid().
parent d92e8cb8
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