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# uFR Web API
uFR WEB API is designed to communicate with uFR NFC Reader Series and WEB Based Applications

# New Features and how to use them

  -  NTAG®213/215/216 and Mifare Ultralight® support added
  - Simply put one of forementioned card types on the redader
  - press "GetDlogicCardtype" button, if one of forementioned card types is detected
  - new options for their Authentication will be shown:
    - Storing PWD/PACK key combination in reader
    - Write new card PWD/PACK key with authentication of the existing one (input of both keys mandatory)
    - Set protection of data on the card: no protection, write only, read-write protection
    - also when enabling read/write protection - specify from which page password verification is necessary by providing number in "page address from which the password verification is required" field