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# FluidSynth Plugin for Unreal Engine

FluidSynth Plugin for Unreal Engine. It works on PC and Android. Android: it support importing midi file from external to internal storage.

## Installation instructions

1. Download or clone repository.
2. Create new folder named ''Plugins'' in UE project root folder.
3. Create new folder ''Fluidsynth'' in previously created folder.
4. Copy all downloaded files.
5. Run UE project and enable FluidSynth plugin.

## Windows build instructions

1. Navigate to Plugins/FluidSynth/Source/FluidSynth/lib/Windows folder
2. Copy all files from 'x86' or 'x86_64' folder, depending on architecture, to project Binaries folder. 

## Android build instructions

1. Build project.

# FluidSynth Plugin Blueprint API

| Function | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Init  | Initialize FluidSynth and audio driver. Loads default SoundBank. |
| DeInit  | Deinitialize FluidSynth and audio driver. |
| Note On  | Play note.|
| Note Off  | Stop playing note. |
| Controller Change | Change controller. |
| Pitch Bend  | Set pitch bend. |
| Pitch Wheel Sens | Set pitch wheel sensitivity. |
| Program Change  | Set instrument (program). |
| Channel Pressure  | Set channel pressure. |
| Key Pressure  | Set key pressure. |
| Unset Program | Unset instrument (program). |
| Program Reset | Reset program to default. |
| System Reset  | Reset system to default. |
| All Notes Off  | Turn off all notes. |
| All Sounds Off  | Turn off all sounds. |
| Set Reverb  | Set reverb parameters. |
| Set Reverb RoomSize | Set reverb roomsize parameter. |
| Set Reverb Damp | Set reverb dump parameter. |
| Set Reverb Level | Set reverb level parameter. |
| Set Reverb Width |Set reverb width parameter. |
| Set Chorus | Set chorus. |
| Set Chorus Nr | Set chorus nr parameter. |
| Set Chorus Level | Set chorus level parameter. |
| Set Chorus Speed | Set chorus speed parameter.|
| Set Chorus Depth | Set chorus depth parameter. |
| Set Chorus Type | Set chorus type parameter. |
| FM - Init | Initialize File manager. Must be called before Import MIDI and Available MIDI functions is used. |
| FM - Get Path | Get internal storage path. |
| FM - Import MIDI | Open intent for selecting MIDI file and copy to internal storage. |
| FM - Set Default Bank | Set default SF2 file. |
| FM - Get Default Bank | Get default SF2 file. |
| FM - Reset Default Bank | Reset default SF file to DEFAULT.SF2 |
| FM - Import Bank | Open intent for selecting SF2 file and copy to internal storage. |
| FM - Remove Bank | Remove selected SF2 file from internal storage. |
| FM - Available Banks | Return all available SF2 files. |
| FM - Available MIDI | Return all available MIDI files. |