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  1. Jul 18, 2017
  2. Jun 28, 2017
    • developer4's avatar
      version 4.0.26 · 487e898e
      developer4 authored
      Finished implementation of the "APDU Transceive" in the firmware (using APDU_TRANSCEIVE command).
  3. Jun 02, 2017
  4. May 29, 2017
    • developer4's avatar
      version 4.0.25 · b13ca363
      developer4 authored
      Finished NFC T4T support for NDEF messages using APDU support through "ISO14443-4 half-duplex block transmission protocol (i_block, r_block and s_block)".
      All functions in library that support NDEF messages now working with NFC T4T cards.
  5. May 16, 2017
  6. Apr 28, 2017
    • developer4's avatar
      library version 4.0.24 · 4614bc21
      developer4 authored
      Added functions:
      UFR_STATUS GetAdHocEmulationParams(uint8_t *ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t *ThresholdCollLevel,
      								   uint8_t *RFLevelAmp, uint8_t *RxGain, uint8_t *RFLevel);
      UFR_STATUS SetAdHocEmulationParams(uint8_t ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t ThresholdCollLevel,
      								   uint8_t RFLevelAmp, uint8_t RxGain, uint8_t RFLevel);
      UFR_STATUS GetAdHocEmulationParamsM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR,
      								    uint8_t *ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t *ThresholdCollLevel,
      								    uint8_t *RFLevelAmp, uint8_t *RxGain, uint8_t *RFLevel);
      UFR_STATUS SetAdHocEmulationParamsM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR,
      								    uint8_t ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t ThresholdCollLevel,
      								    uint8_t RFLevelAmp, uint8_t RxGain, uint8_t RFLevel);
      Dependency for these functions: uFR firmware - min. version 3.9.35
  7. Apr 24, 2017
    • developer4's avatar
      library binaries version 4.0.23 · 736a1ca8
      developer4 authored
      Added functions:
      UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStart(void);
      UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStop(void);
      UFR_STATUS GetExternalFieldState(uint8_t *is_field_present);
      UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStartM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR);
      UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStopM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR);
      UFR_STATUS GetExternalFieldStateM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t *is_field_present);
  8. Apr 05, 2017
  9. Apr 03, 2017
  10. Mar 23, 2017
  11. Mar 20, 2017
  12. Mar 09, 2017
  13. Mar 07, 2017
  14. Mar 04, 2017
  15. Feb 24, 2017
  16. Feb 14, 2017
  17. Feb 13, 2017
    • developer3's avatar
      uFR lib version 4.0.15 · 1be9915a
      developer3 authored
      The first big testing of the EEPROM partitions and FW version 4.x
      Libraries files:
        + include / header files
        + Binaries for multiple OS-es and platforms:
          + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel,
          + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel static GCC libraries,
          + 32 and 64 bit Linux Intel,
          + 64 bit OS X Intel,
          + 32 bit Linux ARM
          + 32 bit Linux ARM-HF
  18. Jan 31, 2017
  19. Jan 16, 2017
  20. Nov 15, 2016
    • developer3's avatar
      uFR lib version 4.0.11 · 6bd8a579
      developer3 authored
      Fixed DST (summer time) in CardEncryption
      Libraries files:
        + include / header files
        + Binaries for multiple OS-es and platforms:
          + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel,
          + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel static GCC libraries,
          + 32 and 64 bit Linux Intel,
          + 64 bit OS X Intel,
          + 32 bit Linux ARM
          + 32 bit Linux ARM-HF
  21. Aug 31, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      Added support for APDU commands for ISO 14443-4 tags through i-blocks (if tag... · 4fe6c1e4
      developer4 authored
      Added support for APDU commands for ISO 14443-4 tags through i-blocks (if tag support APDU commands).
      Added functions:
      UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_Transceive(uint8_t cls, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p0, uint8_t p1, uint8_t *data_out, uint8_t data_out_len, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *response_len, uint8_t send_le);
      UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_TransceiveM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t cls, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p0, uint8_t p1, uint8_t *data_out, uint8_t data_out_len, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *response_len, uint8_t send_le);
      Added function "aliases":
      UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_Start(void);               // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_Start()
      UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_StartM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_StartM()
      UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_Stop(void);                // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_Stop()
      UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_StopM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR);  // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_StopM()
  22. Aug 02, 2016
    • developer2's avatar
      Version 4.0.9 · 321f9f26
      developer2 authored
      Support for UID byte order and decimal represenation od card UID, in the async UID sending.
      Functions added
      UFR_STATUS DL_API SetAsyncCardIdSendConfigEx(uint8_t send_enable,
      		uint8_t prefix_enable, uint8_t prefix, uint8_t suffix,
      		uint8_t send_removed_enable, uint8_t reverse_byte_order,
      		uint8_t decimal_representation, uint32_t async_baud_rate);
      UFR_STATUS DL_API GetAsyncCardIdSendConfigEx(uint8_t *send_enable,
      		uint8_t *prefix_enable, uint8_t *prefix, uint8_t *suffix,
      		uint8_t *send_removed_enable, uint8_t *reverse_byte_order,
      		uint8_t *decimal_representation, uint32_t *async_baud_rate);
      UFR_STATUS DL_API SetAsyncCardIdSendConfigExM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR,
      		uint8_t send_enable, uint8_t prefix_enable, uint8_t prefix,
      		uint8_t suffix, uint8_t send_removed_enable, int8_t 		reverse_byte_order,
      		uint8_t decimal_representation, uint32_t async_baud_rate);
      UFR_STATUS DL_API GetAsyncCardIdSendConfigExM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR,
      		uint8_t *send_enable, uint8_t *prefix_enable, uint8_t *prefix,
      		uint8_t *suffix, uint8_t *send_removed_enable, uint8_t 		*reverse_byte_order,
      		uint8_t *decimal_representation, uint32_t *async_baud_rate);
  23. Jul 28, 2016
    • developer12's avatar
      uFR lib version 4.0.8 · 122d739b
      developer12 authored
      * BUGFIX : Reader Open error with error UFR_COMMUNICATION_BRAKE on serial port
      * ReaderOpenExHnd(), after opening the communication port and wait for firmware start,
      try several times to get reader HW version
      * BUGFIX : serial port stay blocked on Linux/OSX if some error occurred while changing port configuration
      > fixed in rs232_serial_port_init() : close() port if error occurred
  24. Jul 26, 2016
  25. Jul 20, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      Version 4.0.5 · 47b1e7d1
      developer4 authored
      Support for the ASCII mirror function of the NXP NTAG21x series.
      Added functions:
      UFR_STATUS DL_API write_ndef_record_mirroring(uint8_t message_nr, uint8_t *tnf, uint8_t *type_record, uint8_t *type_length, uint8_t *id, uint8_t *id_length, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t *payload_length, uint8_t *card_formated, int use_uid_ascii_mirror, int use_counter_ascii_mirror, uint32_t payload_mirroring_pos);
      UFR_STATUS DL_API write_ndef_record_mirroringM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t message_nr, uint8_t *tnf, uint8_t *type_record, uint8_t *type_length, uint8_t *id, uint8_t *id_length, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t *payload_length, uint8_t *card_formated, int use_uid_ascii_mirror, int use_counter_ascii_mirror, uint32_t payload_mirroring_pos);
      Those functions use already existing NDEF functionality of the uFRCoder library.
  26. Jul 07, 2016
  27. Jul 05, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      Version 4.0.4 · 3e767659
      developer4 authored
      -Added static libraries for Windows, x86 and x86_64 both. When you use uFCoder static library, you must linking FTDI d2xx library in your project to. See for more details.
      -When you use uFCoder static library in your project, define macro:
      #define DL_USE_STATIC_LIB
      before include uFCoder.h or set -DDL_USE_STATIC_LIB as compiler directive.
  28. Jun 27, 2016
    • developer4's avatar
      Version 4.0.3 · a0b3e195
      developer4 authored
      Finished T2T counters (especially for NXP UL EV1 & NTAG 21x) support.
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadCounter(uint8_t counter_address, uint32_t *value);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS IncrementCounter(uint8_t counter_address, uint32_t inc_value);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadNFCCounter(uint32_t *value); // Same as ReadCounter(2, &value);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadNFCCounterPwdAuth_RK(uint32_t *value, uint8_t reader_key_index);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadNFCCounterPwdAuth_PK(uint32_t *value, const uint8_t *key);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadCounterM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t counter_address, uint32_t *value);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS IncrementCounterM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t counter_address, uint32_t inc_value);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadNFCCounterM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint32_t *value); // Same as ReadCounter(2, &value);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadNFCCounterPwdAuth_RKM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint32_t *value, uint8_t reader_key_index);
      DL_API UFR_STATUS ReadNFCCounterPwdAuth_PKM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint32_t *value, const uint8_t *key);
  29. Jun 09, 2016
    • developer3's avatar
      uFR lib version 4.1.0 · 88b5925e
      developer3 authored
      Implemented serial port communication for Windows IoT serial device.
      For testing on Windows IoT,
      use ReaderOpenEx() for connect to the reader,
      use win_iot_serial.dll
      !!! All multi-reader functions are disabled on Windows IoT
       - ReaderList_UpdateAndGetCount()
       - ReaderList_GetInformation()
       - ReaderList_Destroy()
       - ReaderList_GetSerialByIndex()
       - ReaderList_GetSerialDescriptionByIndex()
       - ReaderList_GetTypeByIndex()
       - ReaderList_GetFTDISerialByIndex()
       - ReaderList_GetFTDIDescriptionByIndex()
       - ReaderList_OpenBySerial()
       - ReaderList_OpenByIndex()
       - API OriginalityCheck() not implemented on WIN IoT
      * some bug fixes
      Libraries files:
        + include / header files
        + Binaries for multiple OS-es and platforms:
          + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel,
      	+ 32 bit Windows IoT ARM
          + 32 and 64 bit Linux Intel,
          + 64 bit OS X Intel,
          + 32 bit Linux ARM
          + 32 bit Linux ARM-HF