- Nov 01, 2017
developer3 authored
Task-Url: https://git.d-logic.net/hw-ufr/lib-src/issues/28
- Oct 20, 2017
developer4 authored
(There is no functional changes) Added: #define DL_GENERIC_ISO14443_4 0x40 #define DL_GENERIC_ISO14443_TYPE_B 0x41
- Oct 05, 2017
developer4 authored
Added DL Java Card support. Digital signing mechanisms using RSA and ECDSA included. New functions: JCAppSelectByAid() JCAppPutPrivateKey() JCAppGenerateSignature() JCAppSignatureBegin() JCAppSignatureUpdate() JCAppSignatureEnd()
- Aug 15, 2017
developer4 authored
BugFix in function APDUTransceiveHnd(): -In some situations there was an error calculating Le byte.
- Aug 14, 2017
developer4 authored
The following functions have been improved (extended buffer support): UFR_STATUS DL_API APDUHexStrTransceive(const char *c_apdu, char **r_apdu); UFR_STATUS DL_API APDUPlainTransceive(const uint8_t *c_apdu, uint32_t c_apdu_len, uint8_t *r_apdu, uint32_t *r_apdu_len); UFR_STATUS DL_API APDUTransceive(uint8_t cls, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2, const uint8_t *data_out, uint32_t Nc, uint8_t *data_in, uint32_t *Ne, uint8_t send_le, uint8_t *apdu_status); UFR_STATUS DL_API APDUHexStrTransceiveM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, const char *c_apdu, char **r_apdu); UFR_STATUS DL_API APDUPlainTransceiveM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, const uint8_t *c_apdu, uint32_t c_apdu_len, uint8_t *r_apdu, uint32_t *r_apdu_len); UFR_STATUS DL_API APDUTransceiveM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t cls, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p0, uint8_t p1, const uint8_t *data_out, uint32_t Nc, uint8_t *data_in, uint32_t *Ne, uint8_t send_le, uint8_t *apdu_status); Improvement is valid from the firmware version 3.9.44
- Jul 31, 2017
developer2 authored
- Jul 18, 2017
developer1 authored
developer1 authored
developer1 authored
- Jun 28, 2017
developer4 authored
Finished implementation of the "APDU Transceive" in the firmware (using APDU_TRANSCEIVE command).
- Jun 02, 2017
developer4 authored
- May 29, 2017
developer4 authored
Finished NFC T4T support for NDEF messages using APDU support through "ISO14443-4 half-duplex block transmission protocol (i_block, r_block and s_block)". All functions in library that support NDEF messages now working with NFC T4T cards.
- May 16, 2017
developer3 authored
- Apr 28, 2017
developer4 authored
Added functions: UFR_STATUS GetAdHocEmulationParams(uint8_t *ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t *ThresholdCollLevel, uint8_t *RFLevelAmp, uint8_t *RxGain, uint8_t *RFLevel); UFR_STATUS SetAdHocEmulationParams(uint8_t ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t ThresholdCollLevel, uint8_t RFLevelAmp, uint8_t RxGain, uint8_t RFLevel); UFR_STATUS GetAdHocEmulationParamsM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t *ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t *ThresholdCollLevel, uint8_t *RFLevelAmp, uint8_t *RxGain, uint8_t *RFLevel); UFR_STATUS SetAdHocEmulationParamsM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t ThresholdMinLevel, uint8_t ThresholdCollLevel, uint8_t RFLevelAmp, uint8_t RxGain, uint8_t RFLevel); Dependency for these functions: uFR firmware - min. version 3.9.35
- Apr 24, 2017
developer4 authored
Added functions: UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStart(void); UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStop(void); UFR_STATUS GetExternalFieldState(uint8_t *is_field_present); UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStartM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); UFR_STATUS AdHocEmulationStopM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); UFR_STATUS GetExternalFieldStateM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t *is_field_present);
- Apr 05, 2017
developer3 authored
- Apr 03, 2017
developer3 authored
choosing mode depends of communication speed in ReaderOpen()
- Mar 23, 2017
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
- Mar 20, 2017
developer3 authored
- Mar 09, 2017
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
BugFix in SelectCardHnd(), in anticoll.c
- Mar 07, 2017
developer2 authored
- Mar 04, 2017
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
- Feb 24, 2017
developer3 authored
* support for D-Logic HAT (reset on GPIO23), and uFR RS232 at 115200
- Feb 14, 2017
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
developer4 authored
- Feb 13, 2017
developer3 authored
The first big testing of the EEPROM partitions and FW version 4.x Libraries files: + include / header files + Binaries for multiple OS-es and platforms: + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel, + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel static GCC libraries, + 32 and 64 bit Linux Intel, + 64 bit OS X Intel, + 32 bit Linux ARM + 32 bit Linux ARM-HF
- Jan 31, 2017
developer3 authored
+ variables for tick counter is in unsigned long data type * only Windows DLL + def files
developer3 authored
* only Windows DLL
- Jan 16, 2017
developer3 authored
- Nov 15, 2016
developer3 authored
Fixed DST (summer time) in CardEncryption Libraries files: + include / header files + Binaries for multiple OS-es and platforms: + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel, + 32 and 64 bit Windows Intel static GCC libraries, + 32 and 64 bit Linux Intel, + 64 bit OS X Intel, + 32 bit Linux ARM + 32 bit Linux ARM-HF
- Aug 31, 2016
developer4 authored
Added support for APDU commands for ISO 14443-4 tags through i-blocks (if tag support APDU commands). Added functions: UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_Transceive(uint8_t cls, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p0, uint8_t p1, uint8_t *data_out, uint8_t data_out_len, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *response_len, uint8_t send_le); UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_TransceiveM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t cls, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p0, uint8_t p1, uint8_t *data_out, uint8_t data_out_len, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *response_len, uint8_t send_le); UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_DESFIRE_StartM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_DESFIRE_StopM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); Added function "aliases": UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_Start(void); // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_Start() UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_StartM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_StartM() UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_Stop(void); // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_Stop() UFR_STATUS DL_API uFR_APDU_StopM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR); // Alias for uFR_DESFIRE_StopM()
- Aug 02, 2016
developer2 authored
Support for UID byte order and decimal represenation od card UID, in the async UID sending. Functions added UFR_STATUS DL_API SetAsyncCardIdSendConfigEx(uint8_t send_enable, uint8_t prefix_enable, uint8_t prefix, uint8_t suffix, uint8_t send_removed_enable, uint8_t reverse_byte_order, uint8_t decimal_representation, uint32_t async_baud_rate); UFR_STATUS DL_API GetAsyncCardIdSendConfigEx(uint8_t *send_enable, uint8_t *prefix_enable, uint8_t *prefix, uint8_t *suffix, uint8_t *send_removed_enable, uint8_t *reverse_byte_order, uint8_t *decimal_representation, uint32_t *async_baud_rate); UFR_STATUS DL_API SetAsyncCardIdSendConfigExM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t send_enable, uint8_t prefix_enable, uint8_t prefix, uint8_t suffix, uint8_t send_removed_enable, int8_t reverse_byte_order, uint8_t decimal_representation, uint32_t async_baud_rate); UFR_STATUS DL_API GetAsyncCardIdSendConfigExM(UFR_HANDLE hndUFR, uint8_t *send_enable, uint8_t *prefix_enable, uint8_t *prefix, uint8_t *suffix, uint8_t *send_removed_enable, uint8_t *reverse_byte_order, uint8_t *decimal_representation, uint32_t *async_baud_rate);