version 5.0.21
For Windows, Linux, macOS and Android targets: Implemented Secure Hash Algorithm functions: DLGetHashName() DLGetHashOutputByteLength() DLGetHash() DLGetHashToHeap() DLHashInitChunked() DLHashUpdateChunked() DLHashFinishChunked() DLHashFinishChunkedToHeap() Implemented digital signature verification and apropriate supporting functions: DigitalSignatureVerifyHash() DLGetEccCurveName() DLGetSignatureSchemeName() Implemented PKCS#7 parsing and manipulation functions: All functions with prefix 'pkcs7' Implemented X.509 parsing and manipulation functions: All functions with prefix 'X509' Implemented ICAO Master List files parsing and manipulation functions: icaoMlOpen() icaoMlClearSearchCriteria() icaoMlFindCert() icaoMlClose() Added bunch of new UFR_STATUS codes that returns newly implemented functions (in rage 0x6100 to 0x6307). This changes are not applied to UWP, ESP32 and Arduino targets.
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