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  • 2.9
    c3744107 · class DlReader v2.9 ·
    Updated APDUPlainTransceive() acording to a uFR firmware changes in version 3.9.44.
    Support for APDU commands now depands on uFR firmware version 3.9.44 or later.
  • 2.8
    2025614b · class DlReader v2.8 ·
    Added support for APDU commands:
    -New method:
     public synchronized void setISO14443_4_Mode() throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
     Select ISO14443-4A tag and "open channel for the APDU commands" to the ISO14443-4A tag supporting APDU protocol.
    -New method:
     public synchronized void s_block_deselect() throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
     Deselect ISO14443-4A tag. This is a mandatory call after finished one or more APDU transactions with a previously selected ISO14443-4A tag. Otherwise reader will be blocked for further work and you will be forced to call readerReset().
    -New method:
     public synchronized byte[] APDUPlainTransceive(byte[] c_apdu) throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
     Function that send c_apdu bytes to the to the ISO14443-4A tag supporting APDU protocol and, after successfully executed APDU command by the tag selected returns R-APDU. Count of the R-APDU bytes varies depending on the issued APDU command. Minimum number of the R-APDU bytes is 2 and in that case contains SW1 and SW2.
  • 2.7
    1e0d9e12 · class DlReader v2.7 ·
    Added new method:
    public synchronized void blockWrite(byte[] data, byte block_address, byte auth_mode, byte[] key) throws DlReaderException, InterruptedException
    Write data (16 bytes) in to the blocks designated by the block_address parameter.
    On the Mifare Classic compatible cards You have to skip direct write in to sector trailers. Otherwise You get an exception with code = 10 (FORBIDEN_DIRECT_WRITE_IN_SECTOR_TRAILER = 0x0A).