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  global command functions
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import sys
import os
import signal
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import functools
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import time
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from inspect import getargspec
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from socket import gethostname, gethostbyname
from ctypes import c_uint64
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from shell.device_list import S_DEVICE
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from shell.ais_shell import GetListInformation, AISGetLibraryVersionStr, AisShellpGetProgramVersion, AISRestart, \
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    AISDestroy, AISOpen, AISClose, AISUpdateAndGetCount, wr_status, sys_get_timezone_info, AISGetTime, AISSetTime, \
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    log_get, whitelist_read, blacklist_read, get_io_state, lock_open, relay_toogle, AISGetVersion, ee_lock, ee_unlock,\
    log_by_index, log_by_time, get_unread_log_one, whitelist_write, blacklist_write, TestLights, PASS, \
    password_set_default, password_change, edit_device_list, MainLoop, fw_update, config_file_rd,\
    config_file_wr, DDEV_HND
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from constants import *
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def GetDLLVersion():
    return "AIS_GetDLLVersion() >> %s\n" % AISGetLibraryVersionStr()

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def GetProgramVersion():
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    from ais_http import AisHttpGetProgramVersion
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    return '{0}\n{1}\n'.format(AisHttpGetProgramVersion(), AisShellpGetProgramVersion())

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def GetExitApp():
    if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
        os.system('pkill -9 python')
        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
    elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    return '\nServer stopped !\nClose program !\n'

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def GetAISUpdateAndGetCount():
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        res, count = AISUpdateAndGetCount()
        return ' COUNT >> {0} {1}'.format(count, wr_status('', res))
    except WindowsError:
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def GetAISGetTime(devHnd):
    return AISGetTime(devHnd)[0]
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def SetAISSetTime(devHnd):
    return '{0}\n{1}'.format(sys_get_timezone_info(), AISSetTime(devHnd))
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def GetInformation(devHnd):
    return '{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format(AISGetTime(devHnd)[0], sys_get_timezone_info(), AISGetVersion(devHnd))
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def GetLogByIndex(devHnd, **lpq):
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        start_index = ''.join(lpq[START_INDEX])
        end_index = ''.join(lpq[END_INDEX])
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        if len(start_index) == 0 or len(end_index) == 0:
            return 'You must enter values for START INDEX  and END INDEX !'
            return log_by_index(int(start_index), int(end_index), devHnd)
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def GetLogByTime(devHnd, **lpq):
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        start_time = (''.join(lpq.get(START_TIME)))
        end_time = (''.join(lpq.get(END_TIME)))
        if len(start_time) == 0 or len(end_time) == 0:
            return 'You must enter values for START TIME  and END TIME !'
            return log_by_time(int(start_time), int(end_time), devHnd)
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def GetUnreadLog(devHnd, **lpq):
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    dev = S_DEVICE
    dev.hnd = devHnd
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    get_unread_log = int(''.join(lpq.get(UNREAD_LOG)))
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    return get_unread_log_one(get_unread_log, dev)
def WhiteListWrite(devHnd, **lpq):
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        white_list_write = ''.join(lpq.get(WHITE_LIST_WRITE))
        if len(white_list_write) == 0:
            return 'You must enter values for write white list !'
            return whitelist_write(white_list_write, devHnd)
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def BlackListWrite(devHnd, **lpq):
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        black_list_write = ''.join(lpq.get(BLACK_LIST_WRITE))
        if len(black_list_write) == 0:
            return 'You must enter values for write black list !'
            return blacklist_write(black_list_write, devHnd)
def GetTestLights(devHnd, **lpq):
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        lights_choise = ''.join(lpq[LIGHTS])
        return TestLights(lights_choise, devHnd)
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def SetAppPassword(**lpq):
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    global PASS
    mess = ["Actual application password is :{0}\n" .format(PASS),
            "Patch - new pass = default pass\n"]
    set_def_pass = ''.join(lpq.get(DEFAULT_APP_PASS))
    if len(set_def_pass) == 0:
        set_def_pass = PASS
        return ''.join((mess[0], mess[1], password_set_default(set_def_pass)))
        PASS = set_def_pass
    return ''.join((mess[0], password_set_default(set_def_pass)))

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def SetDevicePassword(devHnd, **lpq):
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    global PASS
    new_pass = ''.join(lpq.get(NEW_PASS))
    mess = ["Old password is actual application password :{0}\n".format(PASS),
            "New password for units ( and application ) :{0}\n".format(new_pass),
            "Patch - new pass = default pass\n",
            "Try set new password for units= {0}\n" .format(new_pass)]
    if len(new_pass) == 0:
        new_pass = PASS
        return ''.join((mess[0], mess[2], password_change(new_pass, devHnd)))
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        return ''.join((mess[0], mess[1], password_change(new_pass, devHnd)))
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def SetEditListDevices(**lpq):
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    if lpq.get(DEVICE_TYPE):
        device_type = ''.join(lpq.get(DEVICE_TYPE))
    if lpq.get(DEVICE_ID):
        device_id = ''.join(lpq.get(DEVICE_ID))
    edit_list_choise = ''.join(lpq[EDIT_LIST])
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    if edit_list_choise == AVAILABLE_DEVICES:
        return edit_device_list(1)
    elif edit_list_choise == ACTUAL_LIST:
        return edit_device_list(2)
    elif edit_list_choise == CLEAR_LIST:
        return edit_device_list(3)
    elif edit_list_choise == ADD_DEVICE:
        if len(device_type) == 0 or len(device_id) == 0:
            return "You must enter values in the relevant fields !"
            return edit_device_list(4, "AIS_List_AddDeviceForCheck", int(device_type), int(device_id))
    elif edit_list_choise == ERASE_DEVICE:
            return edit_device_list(5, "AIS_List_EraseDeviceForCheck", int(device_type), int(device_id))
        return ''

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def GetReadRTE(**lpq):
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    rt = ''.join(lpq.get(RTE))
    dev = S_DEVICE
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    if rt.strip() == '':
        return 'Must enter value for seconds !'
        seconds = int(rt)
        rt = ''
        stop_time = c_uint64()
        stop_time = time.time() + seconds
        mess = ["RTE for {0} sec \n" .format(seconds),
                "End RTE listen"]
        while time.ctime(time.time()) < time.ctime(stop_time):
            for hnd in DDEV_HND.keys():
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                dev.hnd = hnd
                r, rte = MainLoop(dev)
                if rte:
                    rt += rte
        return ''.join((mess[0], rt, mess[1]))

def FirmwareUpdate(devHnd, **lpq):
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        if lpq.get('fw_file'):
            fw_file_name = ''.join(lpq.get('fw_file_name'))
            with open(fw_file_name, 'wb') as out:
            return fw_update(devHnd, fw_name=fw_file_name)
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    except Exception as exc:
        return "ERROR: {0}" .format(exc)

def ReadConfigFromDevToFile(**lpq):
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        if lpq.get(CONFIG_FILE_READ):
            return 'DEPRECATED AIS_Config_Send(), AIS_Config_Read()'
            conf_file_rd = ''.join(lpq.get(CONFIG_FILE_READ))
            return config_file_rd(fname=conf_file_rd)
            ip = gethostbyname(gethostname())

            with open(conf_file_rd + '.config', 'wb') as out:
                http_request(ip + ":" + str(HTTP_SERVER_PORT), out.write(conf_file_rd + '.config'))
    except Exception as exc:
        return "ERROR: {0}".format(exc)

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def ReadConfigFromFileToDev(**lpq):
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        if lpq.get(CONFIG_FILE_WR_NAME):
            return 'DEPRECATED AIS_Config_Send(), AIS_Config_Read()'
            confFileNameWR = ''.join(lpq.get(CONFIG_FILE_WR_NAME))
            confFileWR = ''.join(lpq.get(CONFIG_FILE_WRITE))
            with open(confFileNameWR, 'wb') as out:
            return config_file_wr(fname=confFileNameWR)
            return 'NO FILE'
    except Exception as exc:
        return "ERROR: {0}".format(exc)

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action = {'q': GetListInformation,
          'v': GetDLLVersion,
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          'V': GetProgramVersion,
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          'X': GetExitApp,
          'R': AISRestart,
          'D': AISDestroy,
          'o': AISOpen,
          'c': AISClose,
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          'd': GetAISUpdateAndGetCount,
          't': GetAISGetTime,
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          'T': SetAISSetTime,
          'w': whitelist_read,
          'b': blacklist_read,
          'g': get_io_state,
          'G': lock_open,
          'y': relay_toogle,
          'f': AISGetVersion,
          'E': ee_lock,
          'e': ee_unlock,
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          'i': GetInformation,
          'l': log_get,
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          'n': GetLogByIndex,
          'N': GetLogByTime,
          'u': GetUnreadLog,
          'W': WhiteListWrite,
          'B': BlackListWrite,
          'L': GetTestLights,
          'P': SetAppPassword,
          'p': SetDevicePassword,
          'Q': SetEditListDevices,
          'r': GetReadRTE,
          'F': FirmwareUpdate,
          's': ReadConfigFromDevToFile,
          'S': ReadConfigFromFileToDev
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def command(getfunction, ldev, **pq):
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        r = getargspec(action[getfunction])
        if r[0].__len__() == 0:
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            return action[getfunction].__call__()
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        elif r[0] and r[2]:
            return action[getfunction].__call__(ldev.hnd, **pq)
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            return action[getfunction].__call__(ldev.hnd)
    except KeyError:
        return False

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