D-Logic uFR UID asynchronous mode configuration tool Parameters: -c - Com port name, on witch uFR is attached. Default is "/dev/ttyUSB0". -m [on|off|get |init]- Turn uFR asynchronous mode on or off. Default is [on]. Use [get] to read settings stored in uFR. Use [init] for new devices to set default parameters. -s com_speed - Set communication baud_rate. Default is 1Mbps. -e [on|off] - Enable prefix character. -r [on|off] - Enable transmit on tag remove event. -p 00 - Define prefix character (ascii hex representation). -f 00 - Define sufix character (ascii hex representation). -v - Print tool version. Tool will read existing parameters from the uFR device, apply changes and if everything is Ok, write back configuration to the device. Note: 1.) -r setting depends on -e option and vice versa. Tool is aware about it. 2.) Default port is "/dev/ttyUSB0". If this is different on some host machine, use -c parameter. Examples: ./ufr-uart-async-config will print help screen. ./ufr-uart-async-config -m get will print UID asynchronous mode settings stored in the attached uFR device. ./ufr-uart-async-config -c /dev/ttyUSB4 -m get will print UID asynchronous mode settings stored in the attached uFR device on the /dev/ttyUSB4 port. ./ufr-uart-async-config -m on -s 115200 -f 0d will activate UID asynchronous mode on the attached uFR device and set asynchronous mode baud rate to 115200 bps and set sufix character to 0x0D (carriage return control character). ./ufr-uart-async-config -f 30 will set sufix character to 0x30 ('0').