diff --git a/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86.dll b/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86.dll
index 2f0847412413c2865d896e0284daed0c9db8634b..1cb05f8a64ed415f39d0a912f6c6bf64dba971f5 100644
Binary files a/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86.dll and b/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86.dll differ
diff --git a/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86_64.dll b/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86_64.dll
index d941621ddbf31b5ef16195660731d6662445a3ce..5403a2e08cb8742a895afcee67a6e4ccaaaa508a 100644
Binary files a/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86_64.dll and b/Simplest/lib/uFCoder-x86_64.dll differ
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime b/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e5e16a66055a1401acf400ed105c5f86bba148..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
- ret=$?
- node "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
- ret=$?
-exit $ret
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd b/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 746a2798132472790f8c11fd000b75603c250b6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-"%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\mime\cli.js" %*
-EXIT /b %errorlevel%
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime.ps1 b/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f6f4700e0cd86cd08de61e7b4f572bdbbb2087..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/.bin/mime.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
-} else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
-exit $ret
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.jshintrc b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index f6b0f2bbb04f6c97f7db3cd14a28d43ff1904b5a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "asi": true,
- "laxcomma": true,
- "laxbreak": true,
- "node": true,
- "strict": false,
- "es5": true
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.travis.yml b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd44ff9e2ac58833a3de0fb15620dd484d52da0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- - linux
- - osx
-sudo: false
-language: cpp
- apt:
- sources:
- - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- packages:
- - g++-4.8
- matrix:
- - rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone https://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION
- - if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "linux" ]]; then export CXX=g++-4.8; fi
- - $CXX --version
- - PATH="`npm bin`:`npm bin -g`:$PATH"
- # Install dependencies and build
- - npm install
- # Output useful info for debugging
- - node --version
- - npm --version
- # Run tests
- - npm test
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.vscode/settings.json b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.vscode/settings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4d44217c3b0c9cf92124143a283be9296f1100..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/.vscode/settings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
- "activityBar.background": "#273109",
- "titleBar.activeBackground": "#36450D",
- "titleBar.activeForeground": "#F8FCEC"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/CHANGELOG.md b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fe0489ed86f93c4cf5eb007ad6ba4d56a1111d84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-2.2.0 / 2016-10-29
-* [[`8fc355f276`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/8fc355f276)] - add libffi `version` string (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`97d7ab12e6`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/97d7ab12e6)] - remove OS X 10.5 deployment target (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`7a928f38b1`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/7a928f38b1)] - **test**: add a test case for [TooTallNate/ref#56](https://github.com/TooTallNate/ref/issues/56) (Nathan Rajlich)
-2.1.0 / 2016-08-03
-* [[`a66fb8b282`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/a66fb8b282)] - rename History.md to CHANGELOG.md (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`424d6b2278`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/424d6b2278)] - test node v6 with CI (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`37dc33f10d`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/37dc33f10d)] - Move `errno` method implement to C++ side (Lee, SungUk)
-* [[`f0547a7535`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/f0547a7535)] - **test**: use full URL to issue (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`819c664605`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/819c664605)] - **appveyor, travis**: test node v5.1 (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`b6e8dba046`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/b6e8dba046)] - remove benchmark files (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`f5e445be91`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/f5e445be91)] - **test**: load Foundation first instead (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`529ea78029`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/529ea78029)] - **travis**: remove iojs v3 (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`c81ab1ed1e`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/c81ab1ed1e)] - **test**: load `Cocoa` lib for Obj-C tests (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`829d7dac02`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/829d7dac02)] - **travis**: attempt to test "osx" (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`979da99892`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/979da99892)] - **test**: fix hardcoded `strtoul()` bindings (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`9cc558632c`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/9cc558632c)] - **test**: fix comment (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`3d673ca2a1`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/3d673ca2a1)] - **test**: attempt to fix test 169 on Linux (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`c2e5996d9d`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/c2e5996d9d)] - **test**: remove .only() (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`1187b80f7b`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/1187b80f7b)] - **test**: add case for allowing Buffer backing store for "string" FFI argument (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`3b09d1ac09`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/3b09d1ac09)] - **test**: remove semis (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`74e29a17d0`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/74e29a17d0)] - **test**: whitespace fixes (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`6551d4ab5b`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/6551d4ab5b)] - **appveyor**: test node v4.1 (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`c0b64413fe`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/c0b64413fe)] - **travis**: test node v4.1 (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`730bd4a92f`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/730bd4a92f)] - **travis**: drop "iojs-" prefix from version names (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`0324f3be9c`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/0324f3be9c)] - test node v0.4 (Nathan Rajlich)
-* [[`f3e393bb55`](https://github.com/node-ffi/ffi/commit/f3e393bb55)] - remove node v0.8 from testing matrices (Nathan Rajlich)
-2.0.0 / 2015-09-04
- * update to "nan" v2, adds io.js v3 support
- * replace "dlfcn-win32" with "simple-dlfcn-win32" (uses MIT license rather than LGPL, #226, @mcnameej)
- * remove compiled binary file from libffi deps dir (#229, @fredericgermain)
- * fix dynamic linking when locale is not English (#224, @unbornchikken)
- * appveyor: test v0.8, io.js v2.5 and v3
- * travis: test v0.8, and iojs v2.5 and v3
- * package: add "license" field
- * package: add Gábor to LICENSE and "contributors"
- * package: move TooTallNate to "contributors" array
-1.3.2 / 2015-07-31
- * package: made the nan dependency stricter (#217, @feldgendler)
- * package: reflect the fact that the build fails for node <= 0.8 (#196, @addaleax)
-1.3.1 / 2015-04-16
- * test: use `assert.throws()` for Obj-C test cases
- * test: add case for #199 that covers callback and error propagation on non-libuv thread
- * HandleScope issue fix for iojs v1.7+
- * use Windows' native thread API, rather than libuv
-1.3.0 / 2015-03-22
- * add appveyor.yml file for Windows testing
- * add support for io.js >= v1.1.0 and node.js v0.12.x via nan
- * avoid VS build error LNK2005
- * package: allow any "debug" v2
- * package: update github URLs for new repo location
- * travis: don't test node v0.6, test v0.12
- * now using libuv's pthread impl on Windows, removed `pthreads-win32` dep
- * `dlfcn-win32` dep updated to fix process global symbols on Windows
- * README: add appveyor build badge
- * README: use SVG appveyor badge
-1.2.7 / 2014-07-06
- * test: add test case for race condition in #153
- * factorial: fix Windows build instructions
- * example: turn factorial readme to Markdown
- * example: add Windows libfactorial.dll compile command
- * package: remove "expect.js" dev dependency
- * test: remove final `expect.js` usage
- * jshintrc: enable "laxbreak"
- * travis: remove IRC notifications from Travis
- * test: properly re-add Mocha's uncaught listeners
- * test: add a try/catch test after the callback is GC'd
- * src: fix race condition when callback is invoked from thread pool (@nikmikov, #154)
- * change Node.js versions used on Travis CI for testing (@Mithgol, #151)
- * use SVG to display Travis CI build testing status (@Mithgol, #149)
-1.2.6 / 2013-10-08
- * just a minor documentation typo fix (Jason May, #126)
- * example: fix "factorial" example on Windows (#127)
- * package: add "keywords" section
- * callback: store a reference to the CIF struct on the ffi closure Buffer instance (#125)
-1.2.5 / 2013-04-06
- * type: make detecting "long" and "ulong" ffi_types work
- * travis: don't test node v0.7.x, test node v0.10.x
-1.2.4 / 2013-02-18
- * FreeBSD 32-bit support (Dave Osborne)
- * libffi: don't build libffi as a "thin" archive (CentOS 5 support, #110)
-1.2.3 / 2012-12-20
- * FreeBSD 64-bit support (Dave Osborne)
-1.2.2 / 2012-12-15
- * fix nasty bug in async FFI'd function on node v0.9.x
-1.2.1 / 2012-12-15
- * add node >= v0.9.4 support
-1.2.0 / 2012-10-13
- * type: full support for "ref-array" arguments and return types
- * type: add basic support for basic ref types without a `ffi_type` prop set
- * don't call the "ref()" function on passed in arguments
- * libffi: fix unused variable warnings
- * add `Function` "type" for functions/callbacks that accept/return C Functions
- * dynamic_library: use RTLD_LAZY by default
- * export all the RTLD_* symbols from the native binding
- * foreign_function: better error messages when a type's "set()" function throws
- * callback: make catching callbacks that throw JS exceptions work as expected
- * callback: more meaningful error message when a type's "set()" function throws
- * callback: fix pointer return values
-1.1.3 / 2012-09-25
- * callback: use `IsEmpty()` instead of an explicit NULL check
- * test: use "bindings" to load the bindings for the variadic tests
- * ffi: use HandleScope in WrapPointer() (fixes ffi calls in a tight loop, see #74)
- * test: fix typo in test name
- * libffi: disable the C4267 implicit conversion warnings on Windows
- * libffi: remove "as.bat" from the gyp file
-1.1.2 / 2012-09-16
- * callback: throw an Error if the callback function has been garbage collected
- * test: 100% tests passing on Windows!
-1.1.1 / 2012-09-16
- * libffi: define "FFI_MMAP_EXEC_WRIT" on OS X (#71)
- * added a new test case that calls a callback function directly (#72)
-1.1.0 / 2012-09-11
- * properly "gyp-ify" libffi
- - added "libffi.gyp"
- - no more "hacks" in binding.gyp
- - no need for MozillaBuild on Windows anymore!
-1.0.7 / 2012-08-03
- * export `FFI_FIRST_ABI`
- * export abi_enum values for ARM processors (100% tests passing on Raspberry Pi!)
-1.0.6 / 2012-07-22
- * VariadicForeignFunction: apply a tweak to prevent false positives on ffi id's
-1.0.5 / 2012-07-22
- * DynamicLibrary: use 'string' instead of "char *"
- * DynamicLibrary: set the "name" property of the returned Buffer when get() is called
- * test: add some "DynamicLibrary" tests
- * VariadicForeignFunction: quick hack fix for the key caching name collision
-1.0.4 / 2012-07-12
- * exit early when not compiling from within a MozillaBuild window on Windows
-1.0.3 / 2012-07-9
- * refactor the README
- * fix deprecation warning for using the `Utf8String` type (renamed to `CString`)
- * remove circular `require()` calls (Justin Freitag)
- * use the node-gyp `--directory` flag for `npm test` command
-1.0.2 / 2012-06-20
- * Fix Windows build (32-bit at least). Fixes #51.
-1.0.1 / 2012-06-13
- * Refactor the variadic function generator to allow for an overridden "returnType"
-1.0.0 / 2012-05-31
- * Add a `VariadicForeignFunction` function for vararg C functions
- * Various cleanup
- * Don't export the native bindings (`ffi.Bindings` is gone)
- * Use the `ref()` function when available, then fall back to `ref.alloc()`
- * Add a few more tests
-1.0.0-alpha1 / 2012-05-29
- * Readme improvements
- * Node >= v0.7.9 compatability
-1.0.0-alpha / 2012-05-25
- * Alpha release of v1.0.0
-< 1.0.0
- * Prehistoric: see `git log`
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/LICENSE b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2bece1031d05f6fcf9b4446091f9296dc748f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Richard "Rick" W. Branson
-Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Nathan Rajlich, Richard "Rick" W. Branson
-Copyright (c) 2015 Nathan Rajlich, Richard "Rick" W. Branson, Gabor Mezo
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
-deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/README.md b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b553cd78c40a0653ff915f20bfdd031165af8a62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# node-ffi
-### Node.js Foreign Function Interface
-Note: Forked from https://github.com/lxe/node-ffi#node-12 to support Electron Node 12
-`node-ffi` is a Node.js addon for loading and calling dynamic libraries using
-pure JavaScript. It can be used to create bindings to native libraries without
-writing any C++ code.
-It also simplifies the augmentation of node.js with C code as it takes care of
-handling the translation of types across JavaScript and C, which can add reams
-of boilerplate code to your otherwise simple C. See the `example/factorial`
-for an example of this use case.
-**WARNING**: node-ffi assumes you know what you're doing. You can pretty easily
-create situations where you will segfault the interpreter and unless you've got
-C debugger skills, you probably won't know what's going on.
-## Example
-var ffi = require("ffi");
-var libm = ffi.Library("libm", {
- ceil: ["double", ["double"]]
-libm.ceil(1.5); // 2
-// You can also access just functions in the current process by passing a null
-var current = ffi.Library(null, {
- atoi: ["int", ["string"]]
-current.atoi("1234"); // 1234
-For a more detailed introduction, see the [node-ffi tutorial page][tutorial].
-## Requirements
-- Linux, OS X, Windows, or Solaris.
-- `libffi` comes bundled with node-ffi; it does _not_ need to be installed on your system.
-- The current version is tested to run on node v0.6, v0.8, v0.9 and v0.10.
-## Installation
-Make sure you've installed all the [necessary build
-tools](https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp#installation) for your platform,
-then invoke:
-$ npm install ffi
-## Source Install / Manual Compilation
-To compile from source it's easiest to use
-$ npm install -g node-gyp
-Now you can compile `node-ffi`:
-$ git clone git://github.com/node-ffi/node-ffi.git
-$ cd node-ffi
-$ node-gyp rebuild
-## Types
-The types that you specify in function declarations correspond to ref's types
-system. So [see its docs][ref-types] for
-a reference if you are unfamiliar.
-## V8 and 64-bit Types
-Internally, V8 stores integers that will fit into a 32-bit space in a 32-bit
-integer, and those that fall outside of this get put into double-precision
-floating point (FP) numbers. This is problematic because FP numbers are imprecise.
-To get around this, the methods in node-ffi that deal with 64-bit integers return
-strings and can accept strings as parameters.
-## Call Overhead
-There is non-trivial overhead associated with FFI calls. Comparing a hard-coded
-binding version of `strtoul()` to an FFI version of `strtoul()` shows that the
-native hard-coded binding is orders of magnitude faster. So don't just use the
-C version of a function just because it's faster. There's a significant cost in
-FFI calls, so make them worth it.
-## License
-MIT License. See the `LICENSE` file.
-[v1apichanges]: https://github.com/node-ffi/node-ffi/wiki/API-changes-from-v0.x-to-v1.x
-[tutorial]: https://github.com/node-ffi/node-ffi/wiki/Node-FFI-Tutorial
-[ref-types]: https://github.com/TooTallNate/ref#built-in-types
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/appveyor.yml b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c8044cd276544853e9970953ce91b3f302b14edb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# http://www.appveyor.com/docs/appveyor-yml
-# Test against these versions of Node.js.
- # Visual Studio Version
- # Test against these versions of Node.js and io.js
- matrix:
- - nodejs_version: "6"
- - nodejs_version: "8"
- - nodejs_version: "10"
- - nodejs_version: "11"
- - x86
- - x64
-# Install scripts. (runs after repo cloning)
- # Get the latest stable version of Node 0.STABLE.latest
- - ps: if($env:nodejs_version -eq "0.8") {Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version}
- - ps: if($env:nodejs_version -ne "0.8") {Update-NodeJsInstallation (Get-NodeJsLatestBuild $env:nodejs_version)}
- # Node 0.8 comes with a too obsolete npm
- - IF %nodejs_version% == 0.8 (npm install -g npm@1.4.28)
- # Install latest NPM only for node.js versions until built in node-gyp adds io.js support
- # Update is required for node.js 0.8 because built in npm(node-gyp) does not know VS2013
- - IF %nodejs_version% LSS 1 (npm install -g npm@2)
- - IF %nodejs_version% LSS 1 set PATH=%APPDATA%\npm;%PATH%
- # Typical npm stuff.
- - npm install --msvs_version=%MSVS_VERSION%
-# Post-install test scripts.
- # Output useful info for debugging.
- - node --version
- - npm --version
- # run tests
- - npm test
-# Don't actually build.
-build: off
-# Set build version format here instead of in the admin panel.
-version: "{build}"
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/binding.gyp b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/binding.gyp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9545b98e1df1986e34dcbf344deaa5c76edc53d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/binding.gyp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- 'targets': [
- {
- 'target_name': 'ffi_bindings',
- 'sources': [
- 'src/ffi.cc'
- , 'src/callback_info.cc'
- , 'src/threaded_callback_invokation.cc'
- ],
- 'include_dirs': [
- '
- Midl
- CustomBuild
- _SelectedFiles;$(assemblerDependsOn)
- call ml64 "/nologo" "/c" "/Fo$(IntDir)%(Filename).obj" "%(Identity)"
- $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj
- Building assembly file %(Identity)
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.targets b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.targets
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c4578d1b24ce19566d72fe116691670daf8df5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.targets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- _assembler
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(MSBuildThisFileName).xml
- @(assembler, '|')
- @(assembler_inputs -> '%(Fullpath)', ';')
- $(ComputeLinkInputsTargets);ComputeassemblerOutput;
- $(ComputeLibInputsTargets);ComputeassemblerOutput;
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.vcxproj b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 573509d5d08dfc5c1daf5922575a3ec3ca22fb96..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- {18A234A7-F5F3-DF2D-7ECC-E59D02D6C50C}
- Win32Proj
- closure-test
- true
- x64
- 10.0.17763.0
- Application
- v141
- $(ExecutablePath);$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\deps\libffi\bin\;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\deps\libffi\bin\
- $(Configuration)\obj\$(ProjectName)\
- true
- $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
- $(ProjectName)
- $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- EnableFastChecks
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- false
- true
- false
- Disabled
- NotUsing
- MultiThreadedDebug
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- $(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- Console
- true
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- Speed
- true
- AnySuitable
- true
- true
- true
- Full
- NotUsing
- MultiThreaded
- false
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- $(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- Console
- true
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}
- false
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.vcxproj.filters b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.vcxproj.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 5435f3f1433257ba94a44560bc0ecd898c62b218..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.vcxproj.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {7B735499-E5DD-1C2B-6C26-70023832A1CF}
- {92EF4BA8-6BC2-65D1-451F-28EBD4AE726A}
- {A3C8E949-BCF6-0C67-6656-340A2A097708}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {741E0E76-39B2-B1AB-9FA1-F1A20B16F295}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {77348C0E-2034-7791-74D5-63C077DF5A3B}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi
- C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.xml b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6edc6b1c888e9757f4ec9c83f8cbc96015954e54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/closure-test.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- General
- Command Line
- Execute Before
- Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.
- Execute After
- Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.
- Additional Options
- Additional Options
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.props b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.props
deleted file mode 100644
index ebcb0e8b7751fc236d4edd8f0df690154330f588..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.props
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- Midl
- CustomBuild
- _SelectedFiles;$(assemblerDependsOn)
- call ml64 "/nologo" "/c" "/Fo$(IntDir)%(Filename).obj" "%(Identity)"
- $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj
- Building assembly file %(Identity)
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.targets b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.targets
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c4578d1b24ce19566d72fe116691670daf8df5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.targets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- _assembler
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(MSBuildThisFileName).xml
- @(assembler, '|')
- @(assembler_inputs -> '%(Fullpath)', ';')
- $(ComputeLinkInputsTargets);ComputeassemblerOutput;
- $(ComputeLibInputsTargets);ComputeassemblerOutput;
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.vcxproj b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b398abb14e310ca1bbcd48ed1065a139fb9e377..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}
- Win32Proj
- ffi
- true
- x64
- 10.0.17763.0
- StaticLibrary
- v141
- $(ExecutablePath);$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\deps\libffi\bin\;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\deps\libffi\bin\
- $(Configuration)\obj\$(ProjectName)\
- true
- $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
- lib$(ProjectName)
- $(OutDir)\lib$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- EnableFastChecks
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- false
- true
- false
- Disabled
- NotUsing
- MultiThreadedDebug
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- $(OutDir)lib$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- true
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- Speed
- true
- AnySuitable
- true
- true
- true
- Full
- NotUsing
- MultiThreaded
- false
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- $(OutDir)lib$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- true
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- true
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.vcxproj.filters b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.vcxproj.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e0149c4408c6ba781474f5b996ec4376243a7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.vcxproj.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {18BBE778-C30E-9E84-331B-B85C911521F0}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {18BBE778-C30E-9E84-331B-B85C911521F0}
- {7B735499-E5DD-1C2B-6C26-70023832A1CF}
- {92EF4BA8-6BC2-65D1-451F-28EBD4AE726A}
- {A3C8E949-BCF6-0C67-6656-340A2A097708}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {741E0E76-39B2-B1AB-9FA1-F1A20B16F295}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {77348C0E-2034-7791-74D5-63C077DF5A3B}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {2385D4EB-CAEB-D33E-59EB-C687F571392E}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {18BBE778-C30E-9E84-331B-B85C911521F0}
- {158E591E-B6EA-0C85-8F5A-18EAFA09B4CE}
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src\x86
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src\x86
- C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi
- $(IntDir)
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi\src\x86\_excluded_files
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.xml b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6edc6b1c888e9757f4ec9c83f8cbc96015954e54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/ffi.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- General
- Command Line
- Execute Before
- Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.
- Execute After
- Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.
- Additional Options
- Additional Options
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/libffi.sln b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/libffi.sln
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e98104d7dd2ce3078770a4c94bf4965e0e95a75..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/libffi.sln
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
-# Visual Studio 2015
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "closure-test", "closure-test.vcxproj", "{18A234A7-F5F3-DF2D-7ECC-E59D02D6C50C}"
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E} = {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}
- EndProjectSection
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ffi", "ffi.vcxproj", "{20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}"
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "test", "test.vcxproj", "{9D879E5F-5300-B1E8-A40D-71213D0373AA}"
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E} = {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}
- EndProjectSection
- GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
- Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
- Release|x64 = Release|x64
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
- {18A234A7-F5F3-DF2D-7ECC-E59D02D6C50C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {18A234A7-F5F3-DF2D-7ECC-E59D02D6C50C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {18A234A7-F5F3-DF2D-7ECC-E59D02D6C50C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {18A234A7-F5F3-DF2D-7ECC-E59D02D6C50C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {9D879E5F-5300-B1E8-A40D-71213D0373AA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {9D879E5F-5300-B1E8-A40D-71213D0373AA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {9D879E5F-5300-B1E8-A40D-71213D0373AA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {9D879E5F-5300-B1E8-A40D-71213D0373AA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
- HideSolutionNode = FALSE
- EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.props b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.props
deleted file mode 100644
index ebcb0e8b7751fc236d4edd8f0df690154330f588..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.props
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- Midl
- CustomBuild
- _SelectedFiles;$(assemblerDependsOn)
- call ml64 "/nologo" "/c" "/Fo$(IntDir)%(Filename).obj" "%(Identity)"
- $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj
- Building assembly file %(Identity)
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.targets b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.targets
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c4578d1b24ce19566d72fe116691670daf8df5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.targets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- _assembler
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(MSBuildThisFileName).xml
- @(assembler, '|')
- @(assembler_inputs -> '%(Fullpath)', ';')
- $(ComputeLinkInputsTargets);ComputeassemblerOutput;
- $(ComputeLibInputsTargets);ComputeassemblerOutput;
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.vcxproj b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 99001f720a4ca4e6d3ddd512774e503fc8e6c142..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- {9D879E5F-5300-B1E8-A40D-71213D0373AA}
- Win32Proj
- test
- true
- x64
- 10.0.17763.0
- Application
- v141
- $(ExecutablePath);$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\deps\libffi\bin\;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\deps\libffi\bin\
- $(Configuration)\obj\$(ProjectName)\
- true
- $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
- $(ProjectName)
- $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- EnableFastChecks
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- false
- true
- false
- Disabled
- NotUsing
- MultiThreadedDebug
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- $(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- Console
- true
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- Speed
- true
- AnySuitable
- true
- true
- true
- Full
- NotUsing
- MultiThreaded
- false
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- $(OutDir)$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)
- Console
- true
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\include;..\..\..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}
- false
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.vcxproj.filters b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.vcxproj.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9ed25f4f24ecf8761975b5c1d71065a7c8c543..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.vcxproj.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- {7B735499-E5DD-1C2B-6C26-70023832A1CF}
- {92EF4BA8-6BC2-65D1-451F-28EBD4AE726A}
- {A3C8E949-BCF6-0C67-6656-340A2A097708}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {741E0E76-39B2-B1AB-9FA1-F1A20B16F295}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {77348C0E-2034-7791-74D5-63C077DF5A3B}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {D8C1C9B5-38B1-FC5D-54EB-0CB99232FA56}
- {1F9E42CD-A417-4971-B22A-828E2525D636}
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi
- C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src
- ..\..\..\deps\libffi
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.xml b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6edc6b1c888e9757f4ec9c83f8cbc96015954e54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/deps/libffi/test.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- General
- Command Line
- Execute Before
- Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.
- Execute After
- Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.
- Additional Options
- Additional Options
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/ffi_bindings.vcxproj b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/ffi_bindings.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b013f6bdab4780ddce30c47fa9e6f60b0cf46c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/ffi_bindings.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- {DDA3A03A-0DF8-89A6-DA97-6EA2E23E8FBD}
- Win32Proj
- ffi_bindings
- true
- x64
- 10.0.17763.0
- DynamicLibrary
- v141
- $(ExecutablePath);$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\bin\;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\bin\
- true
- $(Configuration)\obj\$(ProjectName)\
- true
- $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
- .node
- .node
- .node
- .node
- $(ProjectName)
- $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).node
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\nan;..\deps\libffi\include;..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- EnableFastChecks
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- false
- true
- false
- Disabled
- NotUsing
- MultiThreadedDebug
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- $(OutDir)$(ProjectName).node
- true
- .node
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\nan;..\deps\libffi\include;..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\nan;..\deps\libffi\include;..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- true
- false
- OldStyle
- 4351;4355;4800;4251;4275;4244;4267;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)
- false
- Speed
- true
- AnySuitable
- true
- true
- true
- Full
- NotUsing
- MultiThreaded
- false
- true
- true
- false
- Level3
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;DelayImp.lib;"C:\\Users\\Bojan\\AppData\\Local\\node-gyp\\Cache\\12.18.2\\x64\\node.lib"
- /ignore:4199 %(AdditionalOptions)
- node.exe;%(DelayLoadDLLs)
- true
- $(OutDir)$(ProjectName).node
- true
- .node
- MachineX64
- C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\include\node;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\src;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\config;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\openssl\openssl\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\uv\include;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\zlib;C:\Users\Bojan\AppData\Local\node-gyp\Cache\12.18.2\deps\v8\include;..\..\..\nan;..\deps\libffi\include;..\deps\libffi\config\win\x64;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- {20B6E2C8-A1D5-042C-5A37-4E561AB51C7E}
- false
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/ffi_bindings.vcxproj.filters b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/ffi_bindings.vcxproj.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index e398e2920ba3cdebbe9ccb3c64bc83e7b68444ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/build/ffi_bindings.vcxproj.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {7B735499-E5DD-1C2B-6C26-70023832A1CF}
- {92EF4BA8-6BC2-65D1-451F-28EBD4AE726A}
- {A3C8E949-BCF6-0C67-6656-340A2A097708}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {741E0E76-39B2-B1AB-9FA1-F1A20B16F295}
- {56DF7A98-063D-FB9D-485C-089023B4C16A}
- {77348C0E-2034-7791-74D5-63C077DF5A3B}
- {8CDEE807-BC53-E450-C8B8-4DEBB66742D4}
- {739DB09A-CC57-A953-A6CF-F64FA08E4FA7}
- ..\src
- ..\src
- ..\src
- ..\src
- C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src
- ..
diff --git a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/deps/libffi/ChangeLog b/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/deps/libffi/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f4148a9bd5d7a225db01b8c2320c2b04d0b57f0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simplest/node_modules/@saleae/ffi/deps/libffi/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5060 +0,0 @@
-2012-04-11 Anthony Green
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add new script.
- * Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
-2012-04-11 Zachary Waldowski
- * generate-ios-source-and-headers.py,
- libffi.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Support a Mac static library via
- Xcode. Set iOS compatibility to 4.0. Move iOS trampoline
- generation into an Xcode "run script" phase. Include both as
- Xcode build scripts. Don't always regenerate config files.
-2012-04-10 Anthony Green
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Add missing semicolon.
-2012-04-06 Anthony Green
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add new iOS/xcode files.
- * Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
-2012-04-06 Mike Lewis
- * generate-ios-source-and-headers.py: New file.
- * libffi.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: New file.
- * README: Update instructions on building iOS binary.
- * build-ios.sh: Delete.
-2012-04-06 H.J. Lu
- * m4/libtool.m4 (_LT_ENABLE_LOCK): Support x32.
-2012-04-06 Anthony Green
- * src/x86/ffi64.c (UINT128): Define differently for Intel and GNU
- compilers, then use it.
-2012-04-06 Anthony Green
- * testsuite/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add missing test cases.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
-2012-04-05 Zachary Waldowski
- * include/ffi.h.in: Add missing trampoline table fields.
- * src/arm/sysv.S: Fix ENTRY definition, and wrap symbol references
- in CNAME.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Wrap Windows specific code in ifdefs.
-2012-04-02 Peter Rosin
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_call_win32): Sign/zero extend the return
- value in the Intel version as is already done for the AT&T version.
- (ffi_closure_SYSV): Likewise.
- (ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Likewise.
- (ffi_closure_STDCALL): Likewise.
-2012-03-29 Peter Rosin
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_closure_raw_THISCALL): Unify the frame
- generation, fix the ENDP label and remove the surplus third arg
- from the 'lea' insn.
-2012-03-29 Peter Rosin
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Make the 'stubraw' label
- visible outside the PROC, so that ffi_closure_raw_THISCALL can see
- it. Also instruct the assembler to add a frame to the function.
-2012-03-23 Peter Rosin
- * Makefile.am (AM_CPPFLAGS): Add -DFFI_BUILDING.
- * Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
- * include/ffi.h.in [MSVC]: Add __declspec(dllimport) decorations
- to all data exports, when compiling libffi clients using MSVC.
-2012-03-29 Peter Rosin
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h (ffi_abi): Add new ABI FFI_MS_CDECL and
- make it the default for MSVC.
- (FFI_TYPE_MS_STRUCT): New structure return convention.
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Tweak the structure
- return convention for FFI_MS_CDECL to be FFI_TYPE_MS_STRUCT
- instead of an ordinary FFI_TYPE_STRUCT.
- (ffi_prep_args): Treat FFI_TYPE_MS_STRUCT as FFI_TYPE_STRUCT.
- (ffi_call): Likewise.
- (ffi_prep_incoming_args_SYSV): Likewise.
- (ffi_raw_call): Likewise.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Treat FFI_MS_CDECL as FFI_SYSV.
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_closure_SYSV): For FFI_TYPE_MS_STRUCT,
- return a pointer to the result structure in eax and don't pop
- that pointer from the stack, the caller takes care of it.
- (ffi_call_win32): Treat FFI_TYPE_MS_STRUCT as FFI_TYPE_STRUCT.
- (ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Likewise.
-2012-03-22 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_stdcall.c [MSVC]: Add inline
- assembly version with Intel syntax.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_thiscall.c [MSVC]: Likewise.
-2012-03-23 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h: Provide abstration of
- __attribute__((fastcall)) in the form of a __FASTCALL__
- define. Define it to __fastcall for MSVC.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/fastthis1_win32.c: Use the above.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/fastthis2_win32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/fastthis3_win32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/strlen2_win32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct1_win32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct2_win32.c: Likewise.
-2012-03-22 Peter Rosin
- * src/x86/win32.S [MSVC] (ffi_closure_THISCALL): Remove the manual
- frame on function entry, MASM adds one automatically.
-2012-03-22 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h [MSVC]: Add kludge for missing
- bits in the MSVC headers.
-2012-03-22 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_12byte.c: Adjust to the C89 style
- with no declarations after statements.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_16byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_18byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_19byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_1_1byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte1.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_24byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_2byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3_1byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3byte1.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3byte2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_4_1byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_4byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_5_1_byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_5byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_64byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_6_1_byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_6byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_7_1_byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_7byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_8byte.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte1.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_double.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_float.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_pointer.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint16.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint64.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint16.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint64.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_dbls_struct.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/huge_struct.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct1.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct10.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct3.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct4.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct5.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct6.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct7.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct8.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct9.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct1.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct1_win32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct2_win32.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct3.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct4.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct5.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct6.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct7.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct8.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct9.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/testclosure.c: Likewise.
-2012-03-06 Chung-Lin Tang
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_call): Add __ARM_EABI__ guard around call to
- ffi_call_VFP().
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Add __ARM_EABI__ guard around use of
- ffi_closure_VFP.
- * src/arm/sysv.S: Add __ARM_EABI__ guard around VFP code.
-2012-03-21 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/float_va.c (float_va_fn): Use %f when
- printing doubles (%lf is for long doubles).
- (main): Likewise.
-2012-03-21 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/lib/target-libpath.exp [*-*-cygwin*, *-*-mingw*]
- (set_ld_library_path_env_vars): Add the library search dir to PATH
- (and save PATH for later).
- (restore_ld_library_path_env_vars): Restore PATH.
-2012-03-20 Peter Rosin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/strlen2_win32.c (main): Remove bug.
- * src/x86/win32.S [MSVC] (ffi_closure_SYSV): Make the 'stub' label
- visible outside the PROC, so that ffi_closure_THISCALL can see it.
-2012-03-19 Alan Hourihane
- * src/m68k/ffi.c: Add MINT support.
- * src/m68k/sysv.S: Ditto.
-2012-03-19 chennam
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Fix AIX closure
- support.
-2012-04-02 Peter Bergner
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c (ffi_prep_args_SYSV): Declare double_tmp.
- Silence casting pointer to integer of different size warning.
- Delete goto to previously deleted label.
- (ffi_call): Silence possibly undefined warning.
- (ffi_closure_helper_SYSV): Declare variable type.
-2012-03-13 Kaz Kojima
- * src/sh/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Don't ASSERT ABI test,
- just return FFI_BAD_ABI when things are wrong.
- * src/sh64/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Ditto.
-2012-03-09 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S (ffi_closure_ASM): Adjust for Darwin64
- change to return value of ffi_closure_helper_DARWIN and load type
- from return type.
-2012-03-03 H.J. Lu
- * src/x86/ffi64.c (ffi_call): Cast the return value to unsigned
- long.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Cast to 64bit address in trampoline.
- (ffi_closure_unix64_inner): Cast return pointer to unsigned long
- first.
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h (FFI_SIZEOF_ARG): Defined to 8 for x32.
- (ffi_arg): Set to unsigned long long for x32.
- (ffi_sarg): Set to long long for x32.
-2012-03-03 H.J. Lu
- * src/prep_cif.c (ffi_prep_cif_core): Properly check bad ABI.
-2012-03-03 Andoni Morales Alastruey
- * configure.ac: Add -no-undefined for both 32- and 64-bit x86
- windows-like hosts.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2012-02-27 Mikael Pettersson
- PR libffi/52223
- * Makefile.am (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Define.
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
-2012-02-23 Anthony Green
- * src/*/ffitarget.h: Ensure that users never include ffitarget.h
- directly.
-2012-02-23 Kai Tietz
- PR libffi/52221
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_closure_raw_THISCALL): New
- prototype.
- (ffi_prep_raw_closure_loc): Use ffi_closure_raw_THISCALL for
- thiscall-convention.
- (ffi_raw_call): Use ffi_prep_args_raw.
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_closure_raw_THISCALL): Add
- implementation for stub.
-2012-02-10 Kai Tietz
- * configure.ac (AM_LTLDFLAGS): Add -no-undefine for x64
- windows target.
- * configure: Regenerated.
-2012-02-08 Kai Tietz
- * src/prep_cif.c (ffi_prep_cif): Allow for X86_WIN32
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_closure_THISCALL): Add prototype.
- (FFI_INIT_TRAMPOLINE_THISCALL): New trampoline code.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Add FFI_THISCALL support.
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h (FFI_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE): Adjust size.
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_closure_THISCALL): New closure code
- for thiscall-calling convention.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_thiscall.c: New test.
-2012-01-28 Kai Tietz
- * src/libffi/src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_call_win32): Add new
- argument to prototype for specify calling-convention.
- (ffi_call): Add support for stdcall/thiscall convention.
- (ffi_prep_args): Likewise.
- (ffi_raw_call): Likewise.
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h (ffi_abi): Add FFI_THISCALL and
- * src/x86/win32.S (_ffi_call_win32): Add support for
- fastcall/thiscall calling-convention calls.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/fastthis1_win32.c: New test.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/fastthis2_win32.c: New test.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/fastthis3_win32.c: New test.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/strlen2_win32.c: New test.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/many2_win32.c: New test.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct1_win32.c: New test.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/struct2_win32.c: New test.
-2012-01-23 Uros Bizjak
- * src/alpha/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Check for bad ABI.
-2012-01-23 Anthony Green
- Chris Young
- * configure.ac: Add Amiga support.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2012-01-23 Dmitry Nadezhin
- * include/ffi_common.h (LIKELY, UNLIKELY): Fix definitions.
-2012-01-23 Andreas Schwab
- * src/m68k/sysv.S (ffi_call_SYSV): Properly test for plain
- mc68000. Test for __HAVE_68881__ in addition to __MC68881__.
-2012-01-19 Jakub Jelinek
- PR rtl-optimization/48496
- * src/ia64/ffi.c (ffi_call): Fix up aliasing violations.
-2012-01-09 Rainer Orth
- * configure.ac (i?86-*-*): Set TARGET to X86_64.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2011-12-07 Andrew Pinski
- PR libffi/50051
- * src/mips/n32.S: Add ".set mips4".
-2011-11-21 Andreas Tobler
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2011-11-12 David Gilbert
- * doc/libffi.texi, include/ffi.h.in, include/ffi_common.h,
- man/Makefile.am, man/ffi.3, man/ffi_prep_cif.3,
- man/ffi_prep_cif_var.3, src/arm/ffi.c, src/arm/ffitarget.h,
- src/cris/ffi.c, src/prep_cif.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/float_va.c: Many changes to support variadic
- function calls.
-2011-11-12 Kyle Moffett
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c, src/powerpc/ffitarget.h,
- src/powerpc/ppc_closure.S, src/powerpc/sysv.S: Many changes for
- softfloat powerpc variants.
-2011-11-12 Petr Salinger
- * configure.ac (FFI_EXEC_TRAMPOLINE_TABLE): Fix kfreebsd support.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2011-11-12 Timothy Wall
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_prep_args, ffi_prep_incoming_args_SYSV): Max
- alignment of 4 for wince on ARM.
-2011-11-12 Kyle Moffett
- Anthony Green
- * src/ppc/sysv.S, src/ppc/ffi.c: Remove use of ppc string
- instructions (not available on some cores, like the PPC440).
-2011-11-12 Kimura Wataru
- * m4/ax_enable_builddir: Change from string comparison to numeric
- comparison for wc output.
- * configure.ac: Enable FFI_MMAP_EXEC_WRIT for darwin11 aka Mac OS
- X 10.7.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2011-11-12 Anthony Green
- * Makefile.am (AM_CCASFLAGS): Add -g option to build assembly
- files with debug info.
- * Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
-2011-11-12 Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
- * README: Update list of supported OpenBSD systems.
-2011-11-12 Anthony Green
- * libtool-version: Update.
- * Makefile.am (nodist_libffi_la_SOURCES): Add src/debug.c if
- (libffi_la_SOURCES): Remove src/debug.c
- (EXTRA_DIST): Add src/debug.c
- * Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
- * README: Update for 3.0.11.
-2011-11-10 Richard Henderson
- * configure.ac (GCC_AS_CFI_PSEUDO_OP): Use it instead of inline check.
- * configure, aclocal.m4: Rebuild.
-2011-09-04 Iain Sandoe
- PR libffi/49594
- * src/powerpc/darwin_closure.S (stubs): Make the stub binding
- helper reference track the architecture pointer size.
-2011-08-25 Andrew Haley
- * src/arm/ffi.c (FFI_INIT_TRAMPOLINE): Remove hard-coded assembly
- instructions.
- * src/arm/sysv.S (ffi_arm_trampoline): Put them here instead.
-2011-07-11 Andrew Haley
- * src/arm/ffi.c (FFI_INIT_TRAMPOLINE): Clear icache.
-2011-06-29 Rainer Orth
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c: Move PR number to comment.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c: Likewise.
-2011-06-29 Rainer Orth
- PR libffi/46660
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c: xfail dg-output on
- mips-sgi-irix6*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c: Likewise.
-2011-06-14 Rainer Orth
- * testsuite/libffi.call/huge_struct.c (test_large_fn): Use PRIu8,
- PRId8 instead of %hhu, %hhd.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h [__alpha__ && __osf__] (PRId8,
- PRIu8): Define.
- [__sgi__] (PRId8, PRIu8): Define.
-2011-04-29 Rainer Orth
- Define.
- Use them to handle ELF vs. ECOFF differences.
- [__osf__] (_GLOBAL__F_ffi_call_osf): Define.
-2011-03-30 Timothy Wall
- * src/powerpc/darwin.S: Fix unknown FDE encoding.
- * src/powerpc/darwin_closure.S: ditto.
-2011-02-25 Anthony Green
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Allow for more
- 32-bit ABIs.
-2011-02-15 Anthony Green
- * m4/ax_cc_maxopt.m4: Don't -malign-double or use -ffast-math.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2011-02-13 Ralf Wildenhues
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2011-02-13 Anthony Green
- * include/ffi_common.h (UNLIKELY, LIKELY): Define.
- * src/x86/ffi64.c (UNLIKELY, LIKELY): Remove definition.
- * src/prep_cif.c (UNLIKELY, LIKELY): Remove definition.
- * src/prep_cif.c (initialize_aggregate): Convert assertion into
- FFI_BAD_TYPEDEF return. Initialize arg size and alignment to 0.
- * src/pa/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Don't ASSERT ABI test,
- just return FFI_BAD_ABI when things are wrong.
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Ditto.
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Ditto.
- * src/mips/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Ditto.
- * src/ia64/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Ditto.
- * src/avr32/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Ditto.
-2011-02-11 Anthony Green
- * src/sparc/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Don't ASSERT ABI test,
- just return FFI_BAD_ABI when things are wrong.
-2012-02-11 Eric Botcazou
- * src/sparc/v9.S (STACKFRAME): Bump to 176.
-2011-02-09 Stuart Shelton
- http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=286911
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h: Clean up error messages.
- * src/java_raw_api.c (ffi_java_translate_args): Cast raw arg to
- ffi_raw*.
- * include/ffi.h.in: Add pragma for SGI compiler.
-2011-02-09 Anthony Green
- * configure.ac: Add powerpc64-*-darwin* support.
-2011-02-09 Anthony Green
- * README: Mention Interix.
-2011-02-09 Jonathan Callen
- * configure.ac: Add Interix to win32/cygwin/mingw case.
- * configure: Ditto.
- * src/closures.c: Treat Interix like Cygwin, instead of as a
- generic win32.
-2011-02-09 Anthony Green
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c: Remove xfail.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c: Remove xfail.
- * src/x86/ffi64.c (UNLIKELY, LIKELY): Define.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Check for bad ABI.
- * src/prep_cif.c (UNLIKELY, LIKELY): Define.
- (initialize_aggregate): Check for bad types.
-2011-02-09 Landon Fuller
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add build-ios.sh, src/arm/gentramp.sh,
- src/arm/trampoline.S.
- (nodist_libffi_la_SOURCES): Add src/arc/trampoline.S.
- * configure.ac (FFI_EXEC_TRAMPOLINE_TABLE): Define.
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_trampoline_table)
- (ffi_closure_trampoline_table_page, ffi_trampoline_table_entry)
- (FFI_TRAMPOLINE_COUNT, ffi_trampoline_lock, ffi_trampoline_tables)
- (ffi_trampoline_table_alloc, ffi_closure_alloc, ffi_closure_free):
- Define for FFI_EXEC_TRAMPOLINE_TABLE case (iOS).
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Handl FFI_EXEC_TRAMPOLINE_TABLE case
- separately.
- * src/arm/sysv.S: Handle Apple iOS host.
- * src/closures.c: Handle FFI_EXEC_TRAMPOLINE_TABLE case.
- * build-ios.sh: New file.
- * fficonfig.h.in, configure, Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
- * README: Mention ARM iOS.
-2011-02-08 Oren Held
- * src/dlmalloc.c (_STRUCT_MALLINFO): Define in order to avoid
- redefinition of mallinfo on HP-UX.
-2011-02-08 Ginn Chen
- * src/sparc/ffi.c (ffi_call): Make compatible with Solaris Studio
- aggregate return ABI. Flush cache.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Flush cache.
-2011-02-11 Anthony Green
- From Tom Honermann :
- * src/powerpc/aix.S (ffi_call_AIX): Support for xlc toolchain on
- AIX. Declare .ffi_prep_args. Insert nops after branch
- instructions so that the AIX linker can insert TOC reload
- instructions.
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S: Declare .ffi_closure_helper_DARWIN.
-2011-02-08 Ed
- * src/powerpc/asm.h: Fix grammar nit in comment.
-2011-02-08 Uli Link
- * include/ffi.h.in (FFI_64_BIT_MAX): Define and use.
-2011-02-09 Rainer Orth
- PR libffi/46661
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer.c (main): Cast void * to
- uintptr_t first.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c (main): Likewise.
-2011-02-08 Rafael Avila de Espindola
- * configure.ac: Fix x86 test for pc related relocs.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2011-02-07 Joel Sherrill
- * libffi/src/m68k/ffi.c: Add RTEMS support for cache flushing.
- Handle case when CPU variant does not have long double support.
- * libffi/src/m68k/sysv.S: Add support for mc68000, Coldfire,
- and cores with soft floating point.
-2011-02-07 Joel Sherrill
- * configure.ac: Add mips*-*-rtems* support.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h: Ensure needed constants are available
- for targets which do not have sgidefs.h.
-2011-01-26 Dave Korn
- PR target/40125
- * configure.ac (AM_LTLDFLAGS): Add -bindir option for windows DLLs.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2010-12-18 Iain Sandoe
- PR libffi/29152
- PR libffi/42378
- * src/powerpc/darwin_closure.S: Provide Darwin64 implementation,
- update comments.
- * src/powerpc/ffitarget.h (POWERPC_DARWIN64): New,
- (FFI_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE): Update for Darwin64.
- * src/powerpc/darwin.S: Provide Darwin64 implementation,
- update comments.
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c: Likewise.
-2010-12-06 Rainer Orth
- * configure.ac (libffi_cv_as_ascii_pseudo_op): Use double
- backslashes.
- (libffi_cv_as_string_pseudo_op): Likewise.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2010-12-03 Chung-Lin Tang
- * src/arm/sysv.S (ffi_closure_SYSV): Add UNWIND to .pad directive.
- (ffi_closure_VFP): Same.
- (ffi_call_VFP): Move down to before ffi_closure_VFP. Add '.fpu vfp'
- directive.
-2010-12-01 Rainer Orth
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h [__sgi] (PRId64, PRIu64): Define.
- (PRIuPTR): Define.
-2010-11-29 Richard Henderson
- Rainer Orth
- * src/x86/sysv.S (FDE_ENCODING, FDE_ENCODE): Define.
- (.eh_frame): Use FDE_ENCODING.
- (.LASFDE1, .LASFDE2, LASFDE3): Simplify with FDE_ENCODE.
-2010-11-22 Jacek Caban
- * configure.ac: Check for symbol underscores on mingw-w64.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * src/x86/win64.S: Correctly access extern symbols in respect to
- underscores.
-2010-11-15 Rainer Orth
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp: Rename ...
- * testsuite/lib/libffi.exp: ... to this.
- * libffi/testsuite/libffi.call/call.exp: Don't load libffi-dg.exp.
- * libffi/testsuite/libffi.special/special.exp: Likewise.
-2010-10-28 Chung-Lin Tang
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_prep_args): Add VFP register argument handling
- code, new parameter, and return value. Update comments.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Add case for VFP struct return values. Add
- call to layout_vfp_args().
- (ffi_call_SYSV): Update declaration.
- (ffi_call_VFP): New declaration.
- (ffi_call): Add VFP struct return conditions. Call ffi_call_VFP()
- when ABI is FFI_VFP.
- (ffi_closure_VFP): New declaration.
- (ffi_closure_SYSV_inner): Add new vfp_args parameter, update call to
- ffi_prep_incoming_args_SYSV().
- (ffi_prep_incoming_args_SYSV): Update parameters. Add VFP argument
- case handling.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Pass ffi_closure_VFP to trampoline
- construction under VFP hard-float.
- (rec_vfp_type_p): New function.
- (vfp_type_p): Same.
- (place_vfp_arg): Same.
- (layout_vfp_args): Same.
- * src/arm/ffitarget.h (ffi_abi): Add FFI_VFP. Define FFI_DEFAULT_ABI
- based on __ARM_PCS_VFP.
- (FFI_EXTRA_CIF_FIELDS): Define for adding VFP hard-float specific
- fields.
- (FFI_TYPE_STRUCT_VFP_FLOAT): Define internally used type code.
- * src/arm/sysv.S (ffi_call_SYSV): Change call of ffi_prep_args() to
- direct call. Move function pointer load upwards.
- (ffi_call_VFP): New function.
- (ffi_closure_VFP): Same.
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp (check-flags): New function.
- (dg-skip-if): New function.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c: Skip if target is arm*-*-*
- and compiler options include -mfloat-abi=hard.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c: Same.
-2010-10-01 Jakub Jelinek
- PR libffi/45677
- * src/x86/ffi64.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Ensure cif->bytes is
- a multiple of 8.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/many2.c: New test.
-2010-08-20 Mark Wielaard
- * src/closures.c (open_temp_exec_file_mnt): Check if getmntent_r
- returns NULL.
-2010-08-09 Andreas Tobler
- * configure.ac: Add target powerpc64-*-freebsd*.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c: Pass
- -mlong-double-128 only to linux targets.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/huge_struct.c: Likewise.
-2010-08-05 Dan Witte
- * Makefile.am: Pass FFI_DEBUG define to msvcc.sh for linking to the
- debug CRT when --enable-debug is given.
- * configure.ac: Define it.
- * msvcc.sh: Translate -g and -DFFI_DEBUG appropriately.
-2010-08-04 Dan Witte
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h: Add X86_ANY define for all x86/x86_64
- platforms.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Remove redundant ifdef checks.
- * src/prep_cif.c: Push stack space computation into src/x86/ffi.c
- for X86_ANY so return value space doesn't get added twice.
-2010-08-03 Neil Rashbrooke
- * msvcc.sh: Don't pass -safeseh to ml64 because behavior is buggy.
-2010-07-22 Dan Witte
- * src/*/ffitarget.h: Make FFI_LAST_ABI one past the last valid ABI.
- * src/prep_cif.c: Fix ABI assertion.
- * src/cris/ffi.c: Ditto.
-2010-07-10 Evan Phoenix
- * src/closures.c (selinux_enabled_check): Fix strncmp usage bug.
-2010-07-07 Dan Horák
- * include/ffi.h.in: Protect #define with #ifndef.
- * src/powerpc/ffitarget.h: Ditto.
- * src/s390/ffitarget.h: Ditto.
- * src/sparc/ffitarget.h: Ditto.
-2010-07-07 Neil Roberts
- * src/x86/sysv.S (ffi_call_SYSV): Align the stack pointer to
- 16-bytes.
-2010-07-02 Jakub Jelinek
- * Makefile.am (AM_MAKEFLAGS): Pass also mandir to submakes.
- * Makefile.in: Regenerated.
-2010-05-19 Rainer Orth
- * configure.ac (libffi_cv_as_x86_pcrel): Check for illegal in as
- output, too.
- (libffi_cv_as_ascii_pseudo_op): Check for .ascii.
- (libffi_cv_as_string_pseudo_op): Check for .string.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * fficonfig.h.in: Regenerate.
- * src/x86/sysv.S (.eh_frame): Use .ascii, .string or error.
-2010-05-11 Dan Witte
- * doc/libffi.tex: Document previous change.
-2010-05-11 Makoto Kato
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_call): Don't copy structs passed by value.
-2010-05-05 Michael Kohler
- * src/dlmalloc.c (dlfree): Fix spelling.
- * src/ia64/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Ditto.
- * configure.ac: Ditto.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2010-04-13 Dan Witte
- * msvcc.sh: Build with -W3 instead of -Wall.
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c: Remove build warnings.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Ditto.
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h: Ditto.
-2010-04-12 Dan Witte
- Walter Meinl
- * configure.ac: Add OS/2 support.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * src/closures.c: Ditto.
- * src/dlmalloc.c: Ditto.
- * src/x86/win32.S: Ditto.
-2010-04-07 Jakub Jelinek
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c: Remove unused args variable.
-2010-04-02 Ralf Wildenhues
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * aclocal.m4: Regenerate.
- * include/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * man/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
-2010-03-30 Dan Witte
- * msvcc.sh: Disable build warnings.
- * README (tested): Clarify windows build procedure.
-2010-03-15 Rainer Orth
- * configure.ac (libffi_cv_as_x86_64_unwind_section_type): New test.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * fficonfig.h.in: Regenerate.
- * libffi/src/x86/unix64.S (.eh_frame)
- [HAVE_AS_X86_64_UNWIND_SECTION_TYPE]: Use @unwind section type.
-2010-03-14 Matthias Klose
- * src/x86/ffi64.c: Fix typo in comment.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Use /* ... */ comment style.
-2010-02-24 Rainer Orth
- * doc/libffi.texi (The Closure API): Fix typo.
- * doc/libffi.info: Remove.
-2010-02-15 Matthias Klose
- * src/arm/sysv.S (__ARM_ARCH__): Define for processor
- __ARM_ARCH_7EM__.
-2010-01-15 Anthony Green
- * README: Add notes on building with Microsoft Visual C++.
-2010-01-15 Daniel Witte
- * msvcc.sh: New file.
- * src/x86/win32.S: Port assembly routines to MSVC and #ifdef.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Tweak function declaration and remove excess
- parens.
- * include/ffi.h.in: Add __declspec(align(8)) to typedef struct
- ffi_closure.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Merge ffi_call_SYSV and ffi_call_STDCALL into new
- function ffi_call_win32 on X86_WIN32.
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_call_SYSV): Rename to ffi_call_win32.
- (ffi_call_STDCALL): Remove.
- * src/prep_cif.c (ffi_prep_cif): Move stack space allocation code
- to ffi_prep_cif_machdep for x86.
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): To here.
-2010-01-15 Oliver Kiddle
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h (ffi_abi): Check for __i386 and __amd64 for
- Sun Studio compiler compatibility.
-2010-01-12 Conrad Irwin
- * doc/libffi.texi: Add closure example.
-2010-01-07 Rainer Orth
- PR libffi/40701
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h [__alpha__ && __osf__] (PRIdLL,
- PRIuLL, PRId64, PRIu64, PRIuPTR): Define.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint64.c: Add -Wno-format on
- alpha*-dec-osf*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint64.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ulonglong.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_ll1.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.special/ffitestcxx.h (allocate_mmap): Cast
- MAP_FAILED to char *.
-2010-01-06 Rainer Orth
- * src/mips/n32.S: Use .abicalls and .eh_frame with __GNUC__.
-2009-12-31 Anthony Green
- * README: Update for libffi 3.0.9.
-2009-12-27 Matthias Klose
- * configure.ac (HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE): Define for mips when
- appropriate.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2009-12-26 Anthony Green
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c: Mark as xfail for
- avr32*-*-*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c: Ditto.
-2009-12-26 Andreas Tobler
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h: Conditionally include stdint.h
- and inttypes.h.
- * testsuite/libffi.special/unwindtest.cc: Ditto.
-2009-12-26 Andreas Tobler
- * configure.ac: Add amd64-*-openbsd*.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp (libffi_target_compile): Link
- openbsd programs with -lpthread.
-2009-12-26 Anthony Green
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c: Remove xfail for
- mips*-*-* and arm*-*-*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large2.c: Remove xfail for arm*-*-*.
-2009-12-31 Kay Tietz
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h,
- testsuite/libffi.special/ffitestcxx.h (PRIdLL, PRuLL): Fix
- definitions.
-2009-12-31 Carlo Bramini
- * configure.ac (AM_LTLDFLAGS): Define for windows hosts.
- * Makefile.am (libffi_la_LDFLAGS): Add AM_LTLDFLAGS.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
- * Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
-2009-12-31 Anthony Green
- Blake Chaffin.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/huge_struct.c: New test case from Blake
- Chaffin @ Apple.
-2009-12-28 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Copy abi and nargs to
- local variables.
- (aix_adjust_aggregate_sizes): New function.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Call it.
-2009-12-26 Andreas Tobler
- * configure.ac: Define FFI_MMAP_EXEC_WRIT for the given targets.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * fficonfig.h.in: Likewise.
- * src/closures.c: Remove the FFI_MMAP_EXEC_WRIT definition for
- Solaris/x86.
-2009-12-26 Andreas Schwab
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c (ffi_prep_args_SYSV): Advance intarg_count
- when a float arguments is passed in memory.
- (ffi_closure_helper_SYSV): Mark general registers as used up when
- a 64bit or soft-float long double argument is passed in memory.
-2009-12-25 Matthias Klose
- * man/ffi_call.3: Fix #include in examples.
- * doc/libffi.texi: Add dircategory.
-2009-12-25 Frank Everdij
- * include/ffi.h.in: Placed '__GNUC__' ifdef around
- '__attribute__((aligned(8)))' in ffi_closure, fixes compile for
- IRIX MIPSPro c99.
- * include/ffi_common.h: Added '__sgi' define to non
- '__attribute__((__mode__()))' integer typedefs.
- * src/mips/ffi.c (ffi_call, ffi_closure_mips_inner_O32,
- ffi_closure_mips_inner_N32): Added 'defined(_MIPSEB)' to BE check.
- (ffi_closure_mips_inner_O32, ffi_closure_mips_inner_N32): Added
- FFI_LONGDOUBLE support and alignment(N32 only).
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h: Corrected '#include ' for IRIX and
- fixed non '__attribute__((__mode__()))' integer typedefs.
- * src/mips/n32.S: Put '#ifdef linux' around '.abicalls' and '.eh_frame'
- since they are Linux/GNU Assembler specific.
-2009-12-25 Bradley Smith
- * configure.ac, Makefile.am, src/avr32/ffi.c,
- src/avr32/ffitarget.h,
- src/avr32/sysv.S: Add AVR32 port.
- * configure, Makefile.in: Rebuilt.
-2009-12-21 Andreas Tobler
- * configure.ac: Make i?86 build on FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2009-12-15 John David Anglin
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h: Define PRIuPTR on PA HP-UX.
-2009-12-13 John David Anglin
- * src/pa/ffi.c (ffi_closure_inner_pa32): Handle FFI_TYPE_LONGDOUBLE
- type on HP-UX.
-2012-02-13 Kai Tietz
- PR libffi/52221
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_raw_closure_loc): Add thiscall
- support for X86_WIN32.
-2009-12-11 Eric Botcazou
- * src/sparc/ffi.c (ffi_closure_sparc_inner_v9): Properly align 'long
- double' arguments.
-2009-12-11 Eric Botcazou
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h: Define PRIuPTR on Solaris < 10.
-2009-12-10 Rainer Orth
- PR libffi/40700
- * src/closures.c [X86_64 && __sun__ && __svr4__]
-2009-12-08 David Daney
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium.c: Remove xfail for mips*-*-*
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c: Same.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large.c: Same.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c: Same.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large2.c: Same.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c: Same.
-2009-12-07 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S (libffi_closure_ASM): Fix tablejump
- typo.
-2009-12-05 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/aix.S: Update AIX32 code to be consistent with AIX64
- code.
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S: Same.
-2009-12-05 Ralf Wildenhues
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * include/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * man/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
-2009-12-04 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S: Reorganize 64-bit code to match
- linux64_closure.S.
-2009-12-04 Uros Bizjak
- PR libffi/41908
- * src/x86/ffi64.c (classify_argument): Update from
- gcc/config/i386/i386.c.
- (ffi_closure_unix64_inner): Do not use the address of two consecutive
- SSE registers directly.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_dbls_struct.c (main): Remove xfail
- for x86_64 linux targets.
-2009-12-04 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_closure_helper_DARWIN): Increment
- pfr for long double split between fpr13 and stack.
-2009-12-03 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Increment next_arg and
- fparg_count twice for long double.
-2009-12-03 David Edelsohn
- PR libffi/42243
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Remove extra parentheses.
-2009-12-03 Uros Bizjak
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c (main): Fix format string.
- Remove xfails for x86 linux targets.
-2009-12-02 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Fix typo in INT64
- case.
-2009-12-01 David Edelsohn
- * src/powerpc/aix.S (ffi_call_AIX): Convert to more standard
- register usage. Call ffi_prep_args directly. Add long double
- return value support.
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Double arg increment
- applies to FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE. Correct fpr_base increment typo.
- Separate FFI_TYPE_SINT32 and FFI_TYPE_UINT32 cases.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Only 16 byte stack alignment in 64 bit
- mode.
- (ffi_closure_helper_DARWIN): Remove nf and ng counters. Move temp
- into case.
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S: Maintain 16 byte stack alignment.
- Allocate result area between params and FPRs.
-2009-11-30 David Edelsohn
- PR target/35484
- * src/powerpc/ffitarget.h (POWERPC64): Define for PPC64 Linux and
- AIX64.
- * src/powerpc/aix.S: Implement AIX64 version.
- * src/powerpc/aix_closure.S: Implement AIX64 version.
- (ffi_closure_ASM): Use extsb, lha and displament addresses.
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c (ffi_prep_args): Implement AIX64
- support.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Same.
- (ffi_call): Same.
- (ffi_closure_helper_DARWIN): Same.
-2009-11-02 Andreas Tobler
- PR libffi/41908
- * testsuite/libffi.call/testclosure.c: New test.
-2009-09-28 Kai Tietz
- * src/x86/win64.S (_ffi_call_win64 stack): Remove for gnu
- assembly version use of ___chkstk.
-2009-09-23 Matthias Klose
- PR libffi/40242, PR libffi/41443
- * src/arm/sysv.S (__ARM_ARCH__): Define for processors
- __ARM_ARCH_6T2__, __ARM_ARCH_6M__, __ARM_ARCH_7__,
- __ARM_ARCH_7A__, __ARM_ARCH_7R__, __ARM_ARCH_7M__.
- Change the conditionals to __SOFTFP__ || __ARM_EABI__
- for -mfloat-abi=softfp to work.
-2009-09-17 Loren J. Rittle
- PR testsuite/32843 (strikes again)
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Add X86_FREEBSD to
- enable proper extension on char and short.
-2009-09-15 David Daney
- * src/java_raw_api.c (ffi_java_raw_to_rvalue): Remove special
- handling for FFI_TYPE_POINTER.
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h (FFI_TYPE_STRUCT_D_SOFT,
- (FFI_N32_SOFT_FLOAT, FFI_N64_SOFT_FLOAT): New ffi_abi enumerations.
- (enum ffi_abi): Set FFI_DEFAULT_ABI for soft-float.
- * src/mips/n32.S (ffi_call_N32): Add handling for soft-float
- structure and pointer returns.
- (ffi_closure_N32): Add handling for pointer returns.
- * src/mips/ffi.c (ffi_prep_args, calc_n32_struct_flags,
- calc_n32_return_struct_flags): Handle soft-float.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Handle soft-float, fix pointer handling.
- (ffi_call_N32): Declare proper argument types.
- (ffi_call, copy_struct_N32, ffi_closure_mips_inner_N32): Handle
- soft-float.
-2009-08-24 Ralf Wildenhues
- * configure.ac (AC_PREREQ): Bump to 2.64.
-2009-08-22 Ralf Wildenhues
- * Makefile.am (install-html, install-pdf): Remove.
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * aclocal.m4: Regenerate.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * fficonfig.h.in: Regenerate.
- * include/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * man/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
-2011-08-22 Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
- * configure.ac: Add OpenBSD/hppa and OpenBSD/powerpc support.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-2009-07-30 Ralf Wildenhues
- * configure.ac (_AC_ARG_VAR_PRECIOUS): Use m4_rename_force.
-2009-07-24 Dave Korn
- PR libffi/40807
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Also use sign/zero-extending
- return types for X86_WIN32.
- * src/x86/win32.S (_ffi_call_SYSV): Handle omitted return types.
- (_ffi_call_STDCALL, _ffi_closure_SYSV, _ffi_closure_raw_SYSV,
- _ffi_closure_STDCALL): Likewise.
- * src/closures.c (is_selinux_enabled): Define to const 0 for Cygwin.
- (dlmmap, dlmunmap): Also use these functions on Cygwin.
-2009-07-11 Richard Sandiford
- PR testsuite/40699
- PR testsuite/40707
- PR testsuite/40709
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp: Revert 2009-07-02, 2009-07-01 and
- 2009-06-30 commits.
-2009-07-01 Richard Sandiford
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp (libffi-init): Set ld_library_path
- to "" before adding paths. (This reinstates an assignment that
- was removed by my 2009-06-30 commit, but changes the initial
- value from "." to "".)
-2009-07-01 H.J. Lu
- PR testsuite/40601
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp (libffi-init): Properly set
- gccdir. Adjust ld_library_path for gcc only if gccdir isn't
- empty.
-2009-06-30 Richard Sandiford
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp (libffi-init): Don't add "."
- to ld_library_path. Use add_path. Add just find_libgcc_s
- to ld_library_path, not every libgcc multilib directory.
-2009-06-16 Wim Lewis
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c: Avoid clobbering cr3 and cr4, which are
- supposed to be callee-saved.
- * src/powerpc/sysv.S (small_struct_return_value): Fix overrun of
- return buffer for odd-size structs.
-2009-06-16 Andreas Tobler
- PR libffi/40444
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp (libffi_target_compile): Add
- allow_stack_execute for Darwin.
-2009-06-16 Andrew Haley
- * configure.ac (TARGETDIR): Add missing blank lines.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2009-06-16 Andrew Haley
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ulonglong.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/return_ll1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c: Fix printf format
- specifiers.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h,
- testsuite/libffi.special/ffitestcxx.h (PRIdLL, PRIuLL): Define.
-2009-06-15 Andrew Haley
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c: xfail everywhere.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c: Likewise.
-2009-06-12 Andrew Haley
- * Makefile.am: Remove info_TEXINFOS.
-2009-06-12 Andrew Haley
- * ChangeLog.libffi: testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ulonglong.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/return_ll1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c: Fix printf format
- specifiers.
- testsuite/libffi.special/unwindtest.cc: include stdint.h.
-2009-06-11 Timothy Wall
- * Makefile.am,
- configure.ac,
- include/ffi.h.in,
- include/ffi_common.h,
- src/closures.c,
- src/dlmalloc.c,
- src/x86/ffi.c,
- src/x86/ffitarget.h,
- src/x86/win64.S (new),
- README: Added win64 support (mingw or MSVC)
- * Makefile.in,
- include/Makefile.in,
- man/Makefile.in,
- testsuite/Makefile.in,
- configure,
- aclocal.m4: Regenerated
- * ltcf-c.sh: properly escape cygwin/w32 path
- * man/ffi_call.3: Clarify size requirements for return value.
- * src/x86/ffi64.c: Fix filename in comment.
- * src/x86/win32.S: Remove unused extern.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn0.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn3.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn4.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn5.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn6.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_stdcall.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_12byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_16byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_18byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_19byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_1_1byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_24byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_2byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3_1byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3byte1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3byte2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_4_1byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_4byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_5_1_byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_5byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_64byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_6_1_byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_6byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_7_1_byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_7byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_8byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_double.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_float.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint16.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint32.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint16.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint32.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_dbls_struct.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_float.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_schar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_sshort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_sshortchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_uchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_ushort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_ushortchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_schar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_sint.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_sshort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_uchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_uint.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ulonglong.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ushort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/float2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/huge_struct.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct10.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct3.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct4.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct5.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct6.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct7.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct8.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct9.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/problem1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/return_ldl.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/return_ll1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.special/unwindtest.cc: use ffi_closure_alloc instead
- of checking for MMAP. Use intptr_t instead of long casts.
-2009-06-11 Kaz Kojima
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c: Add xfail sh*-*-linux-*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c: Add xfail sh*-*-*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c: Likewise.
-2009-06-09 Andrew Haley
- * src/x86/freebsd.S: Add missing file.
-2009-06-08 Andrew Haley
- Import from libffi 3.0.8:
- * doc/libffi.texi: New file.
- * doc/libffi.info: Likewise.
- * doc/stamp-vti: Likewise.
- * man/Makefile.am: New file.
- * man/ffi_call.3: New file.
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add src/x86/darwin64.S,
- src/dlmalloc.c.
- (nodist_libffi_la_SOURCES): Add X86_FREEBSD.
- * configure.ac: Bump version to 3.0.8.
- parisc*-*-linux*: Add.
- i386-*-freebsd* | i386-*-openbsd*: Add.
- powerpc-*-beos*: Add.
- AC_CONFIG_FILES: Add man/Makefile.
- * include/ffi.h.in (FFI_FN): Change void (*)() to void (*)(void).
-2009-06-08 Andrew Haley
- * README: Import from libffi 3.0.8.
-2009-06-08 Andrew Haley
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c: Add xfails.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c: Add xfails.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_dbls_struct.c: Add xfail x86_64-*-linux-*.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c: Add xfails.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c: Add __UNUSED__ to args.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large2.c: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large.c: Likewise.
-2008-12-26 Timothy Wall
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c: mark expected
- failures on x86_64 cygwin/mingw.
-2008-12-22 Timothy Wall
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn0.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn3.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn4.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn5.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn6.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_loc_fn0.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_stdcall.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c: use portable cast from
- pointer to integer (intptr_t).
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c: disable for win64.
-2008-07-24 Anthony Green
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_dbls_struct.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c: Clean up failures from
- compiler warnings.
-2008-03-04 Anthony Green
- Blake Chaffin
- hos@tamanegi.org
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split2.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble_split.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_dbls_struct.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double_va.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_longdouble_va.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_pointer_stack.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_abi.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/err_bad_typedef.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large2.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_large.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium2.c
- testsuite/libffi.call/stret_medium.c: New tests from Apple.
-2009-06-05 Andrew Haley
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h, src/x86/ffi.c: Merge stdcall changes from
- libffi.
-2009-06-04 Andrew Haley
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h, src/x86/win32.S, src/x86/ffi.c: Back out
- stdcall changes.
-2008-02-26 Anthony Green
- Thomas Heller
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_closure_SYSV_inner): Change C++ comment to C
- comment.
-2008-02-03 Timothy Wall
- * src/x86/ffi.c (FFI_INIT_TRAMPOLINE_STDCALL): Calculate jump return
- offset based on code pointer, not data pointer.
-2008-01-31 Timothy Wall
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_stdcall.c: Add test for stdcall
- closures.
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h: Increase size of trampoline for stdcall
- closures.
- * src/x86/win32.S: Add assembly for stdcall closure.
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Initialize stdcall closure trampoline.
-2009-06-04 Andrew Haley
- * include/ffi.h.in: Change void (*)() to void (*)(void).
- * src/x86/ffi.c: Likewise.
-2009-06-04 Andrew Haley
- * src/powerpc/ppc_closure.S: Insert licence header.
- * src/powerpc/linux64_closure.S: Likewise.
- * src/m68k/sysv.S: Likewise.
- * src/sh64/ffi.c: Change void (*)() to void (*)(void).
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/powerpc/ffi_darwin.c: Likewise.
- * src/m32r/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/sh64/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/x86/ffi64.c: Likewise.
- * src/alpha/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/alpha/osf.S: Likewise.
- * src/frv/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/s390/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/pa/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/pa/hpux32.S: Likewise.
- * src/ia64/unix.S: Likewise.
- * src/ia64/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/sparc/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/mips/ffi.c: Likewise.
- * src/sh/ffi.c: Likewise.
-2008-02-15 David Daney
- * src/mips/ffi.c (USE__BUILTIN___CLEAR_CACHE):
- Define (conditionally), and use it to include cachectl.h.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Fix cache flushing.
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h (_ABIN32, _ABI64, _ABIO32): Define.
-2009-06-04 Andrew Haley
- include/ffi.h.in,
- src/arm/ffitarget.h,
- src/arm/ffi.c,
- src/arm/sysv.S,
- src/powerpc/ffitarget.h,
- src/closures.c,
- src/sh64/ffitarget.h,
- src/sh64/ffi.c,
- src/sh64/sysv.S,
- src/types.c,
- src/x86/ffi64.c,
- src/x86/ffitarget.h,
- src/x86/win32.S,
- src/x86/darwin.S,
- src/x86/ffi.c,
- src/x86/sysv.S,
- src/x86/unix64.S,
- src/alpha/ffitarget.h,
- src/alpha/ffi.c,
- src/alpha/osf.S,
- src/m68k/ffitarget.h,
- src/frv/ffitarget.h,
- src/frv/ffi.c,
- src/s390/ffitarget.h,
- src/s390/sysv.S,
- src/cris/ffitarget.h,
- src/pa/linux.S,
- src/pa/ffitarget.h,
- src/pa/ffi.c,
- src/raw_api.c,
- src/ia64/ffitarget.h,
- src/ia64/unix.S,
- src/ia64/ffi.c,
- src/ia64/ia64_flags.h,
- src/java_raw_api.c,
- src/debug.c,
- src/sparc/v9.S,
- src/sparc/ffitarget.h,
- src/sparc/ffi.c,
- src/sparc/v8.S,
- src/mips/ffitarget.h,
- src/mips/n32.S,
- src/mips/o32.S,
- src/mips/ffi.c,
- src/prep_cif.c,
- src/sh/ffitarget.h,
- src/sh/ffi.c,
- src/sh/sysv.S: Update license text.
-2009-05-22 Dave Korn
- * src/x86/win32.S (_ffi_closure_STDCALL): New function.
- (.eh_frame): Add FDE for it.
-2009-05-22 Dave Korn
- * configure.ac: Also check if assembler supports pc-relative
- relocs on X86_WIN32 targets.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * src/x86/win32.S (ffi_prep_args): Declare extern, not global.
- (_ffi_call_SYSV): Add missing function type symbol .def and
- add EH markup labels.
- (_ffi_call_STDCALL): Likewise.
- (_ffi_closure_SYSV): Likewise.
- (_ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Likewise.
- (.eh_frame): Add hand-crafted EH data.
-2009-04-09 Jakub Jelinek
- * testsuite/lib/libffi-dg.exp: Change copyright header to refer to
- version 3 of the GNU General Public License and to point readers
- at the COPYING3 file and the FSF's license web page.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/call.exp: Likewise.
- * testsuite/libffi.special/special.exp: Likewise.
-2009-03-01 Ralf Wildenhues
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2008-12-18 Rainer Orth
- PR libffi/26048
- * configure.ac (HAVE_AS_X86_PCREL): New test.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * fficonfig.h.in: Regenerate.
- * src/x86/sysv.S [!FFI_NO_RAW_API]: Precalculate
- RAW_CLOSURE_USER_DATA_OFFSET for the Solaris 10/x86 assembler.
- (.eh_frame): Only use SYMBOL-. iff HAVE_AS_X86_PCREL.
- * src/x86/unix64.S (.Lstore_table): Move to .text section.
- (.Lload_table): Likewise.
- (.eh_frame): Only use SYMBOL-. iff HAVE_AS_X86_PCREL.
-2008-12-18 Ralf Wildenhues
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2008-11-21 Eric Botcazou
- * src/sparc/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Add support for
- signed/unsigned int8/16 return values.
- * src/sparc/v8.S (ffi_call_v8): Likewise.
- (ffi_closure_v8): Likewise.
-2008-09-26 Peter O'Gorman
- Steve Ellcey
- * configure: Regenerate for new libtool.
- * Makefile.in: Ditto.
- * include/Makefile.in: Ditto.
- * aclocal.m4: Ditto.
-2008-08-25 Andreas Tobler
- * src/powerpc/ffitarget.h (ffi_abi): Add FFI_LINUX and
- Add note about flag bits used for FFI_SYSV_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT.
- Adjust copyright notice.
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c: Add two new flags to indicate if we have one
- register or two register to use for FFI_SYSV structs.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Pass the right register flag introduced above.
- (ffi_closure_helper_SYSV): Fix the return type for
- Adjust copyright notice.
-2008-07-16 Kaz Kojima
- * src/sh/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Turn INSN into an unsigned
- int.
-2008-06-17 Ralf Wildenhues
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * include/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
-2008-06-07 Joseph Myers
- * configure.ac (parisc*-*-linux*, powerpc-*-sysv*,
- powerpc-*-beos*): Remove.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2008-05-09 Julian Brown
- * Makefile.am (LTLDFLAGS): New.
- (libffi_la_LDFLAGS): Use above.
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
-2008-04-18 Paolo Bonzini
- PR bootstrap/35457
- * aclocal.m4: Regenerate.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2008-03-26 Kaz Kojima
- * src/sh/sysv.S: Add .note.GNU-stack on Linux.
- * src/sh64/sysv.S: Likewise.
-2008-03-26 Daniel Jacobowitz
- * src/arm/sysv.S: Fix ARM comment marker.
-2008-03-26 Jakub Jelinek
- * src/alpha/osf.S: Add .note.GNU-stack on Linux.
- * src/s390/sysv.S: Likewise.
- * src/powerpc/ppc_closure.S: Likewise.
- * src/powerpc/sysv.S: Likewise.
- * src/x86/unix64.S: Likewise.
- * src/x86/sysv.S: Likewise.
- * src/sparc/v8.S: Likewise.
- * src/sparc/v9.S: Likewise.
- * src/m68k/sysv.S: Likewise.
- * src/arm/sysv.S: Likewise.
-2008-03-16 Ralf Wildenhues
- * aclocal.m4: Regenerate.
- * configure: Likewise.
- * Makefile.in: Likewise.
- * include/Makefile.in: Likewise.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Likewise.
-2008-02-12 Bjoern Koenig
- Andreas Tobler
- * configure.ac: Add amd64-*-freebsd* target.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2008-01-30 H.J. Lu
- PR libffi/34612
- * src/x86/sysv.S (ffi_closure_SYSV): Pop 4 byte from stack when
- returning struct.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/call.exp: Add "-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer"
- tests.
-2008-01-24 David Edelsohn
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2008-01-06 Andreas Tobler
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Fix thinko.
-2008-01-05 Andreas Tobler
- PR testsuite/32843
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Add code for
- signed/unsigned int8/16 for X86_DARWIN.
- Updated copyright info.
- Handle one and two byte structs with special cif->flags.
- * src/x86/ffitarget.h: Add special types for one and two byte structs.
- Updated copyright info.
- * src/x86/darwin.S (ffi_call_SYSV): Rewrite to use a jump table like
- sysv.S
- Remove code to pop args from the stack after call.
- Special-case signed/unsigned for int8/16, one and two byte structs.
- (ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Handle FFI_TYPE_UINT8,
- Updated copyright info.
-2007-12-08 David Daney
- * src/mips/n32.S (ffi_call_N32): Replace dadd with ADDU, dsub with
- SUBU, add with ADDU and use smaller code sequences.
-2007-12-07 David Daney
- * src/mips/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Handle long double return
- type.
-2007-12-06 David Daney
- * include/ffi.h.in (FFI_SIZEOF_JAVA_RAW): Define if not already
- defined.
- (ffi_java_raw): New typedef.
- (ffi_java_raw_call, ffi_java_ptrarray_to_raw,
- ffi_java_raw_to_ptrarray): Change parameter types from ffi_raw to
- ffi_java_raw.
- (ffi_java_raw_closure) : Same.
- (ffi_prep_java_raw_closure, ffi_prep_java_raw_closure_loc): Change
- parameter types.
- * src/java_raw_api.c (ffi_java_raw_size): Replace FFI_SIZEOF_ARG with
- (ffi_java_raw_to_ptrarray): Change type of raw to ffi_java_raw.
- sizeof(ffi_java_raw) for alignment calculations.
- (ffi_java_ptrarray_to_raw): Same.
- (ffi_java_rvalue_to_raw): Add special handling for FFI_TYPE_POINTER
- (ffi_java_raw_to_rvalue): Same.
- (ffi_java_raw_call): Change type of raw to ffi_java_raw.
- (ffi_java_translate_args): Same.
- (ffi_prep_java_raw_closure_loc, ffi_prep_java_raw_closure): Change
- parameter types.
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h (FFI_SIZEOF_JAVA_RAW): Define for N32 ABI.
-2007-12-06 David Daney
- * src/mips/n32.S (ffi_closure_N32): Use 64-bit add instruction on
- pointer values.
-2007-12-01 Andreas Tobler
- PR libffi/31937
- * src/powerpc/ffitarget.h: Introduce new ABI FFI_LINUX_SOFT_FLOAT.
- Add local FFI_TYPE_UINT128 to handle soft-float long-double-128.
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c: Distinguish between __NO_FPRS__ and not and
- set the NUM_FPR_ARG_REGISTERS according to.
- Add support for potential soft-float support under hard-float
- architecture.
- (ffi_prep_args_SYSV): Set NUM_FPR_ARG_REGISTERS to 0 in case of
- FFI_LINUX_SOFT_FLOAT, handle float, doubles and long-doubles according
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Likewise.
- (ffi_closure_helper_SYSV): Likewise.
- * src/powerpc/ppc_closure.S: Make sure not to store float/double
- on archs where __NO_FPRS__ is true.
- Add FFI_TYPE_UINT128 support.
- * src/powerpc/sysv.S: Add support for soft-float long-double-128.
- Adjust copyright notice.
-2007-11-25 Andreas Tobler
- * src/closures.c: Move defintion of MAYBE_UNUSED from here to ...
- * include/ffi_common.h: ... here.
- Update copyright.
-2007-11-17 Andreas Tobler
- * src/powerpc/sysv.S: Load correct cr to compare if we have long double.
- * src/powerpc/linux64.S: Likewise.
- * src/powerpc/ffi.c: Add a comment to show which part goes into cr6.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_ldl.c: New test.
- * src/arm/sysv.S (UNWIND): New.
- (Whole file): Conditionally compile unwinder directives.
- * src/arm/sysv.S: Add unwinder directives.
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_prep_args): Align structs by at least 4 bytes.
- Only treat r0 as a struct address if we're actually returning a
- struct by address.
- Only copy the bytes that are actually within a struct.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): A Composite Type not larger than 4 bytes
- is returned in r0, not passed by address.
- (ffi_call): Allocate a word-sized temporary for the case where
- a composite is returned in r0.
- (ffi_prep_incoming_args_SYSV): Align as necessary.
-2007-08-05 Steven Newbury
- * src/arm/ffi.c (FFI_INIT_TRAMPOLINE): Use __clear_cache instead of
- directly using the sys_cacheflush syscall.
-2007-07-27 Andrew Haley
- * src/arm/sysv.S (ffi_closure_SYSV): Add soft-float.
-2007-09-03 Maciej W. Rozycki
- * Makefile.am: Unify MIPS_IRIX and MIPS_LINUX into MIPS.
- * configure.ac: Likewise.
- * Makefile.in: Regenerate.
- * include/Makefile.in: Likewise.
- * testsuite/Makefile.in: Likewise.
- * configure: Likewise.
-2007-08-24 David Daney
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_sl.c: New test.
-2007-08-10 David Daney
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_ushort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint16.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct3.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_7_1_byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct5.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_double.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct7.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_sint.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct9.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_sshortchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3byte2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_schar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_uchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_19byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_float.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/problem1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn3.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_sshort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn5.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_double.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_2byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct10.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_4byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_6byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_8byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_sshort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint16.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint32.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_float.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_5_1_byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct4.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_24byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct6.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_64byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct8.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_uint.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_multi_ushortchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_schar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_uchar.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint64.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ulonglong.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_longdouble.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_1_1byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_12byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3_1byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_3byte1.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_4_1byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_6_1_byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_16byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_18byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn0.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn2.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn4.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_ushort.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn6.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_5byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_pointer.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_7byte.c,
- testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint32.c,
- testsuite/libffi.special/unwindtest_ffi_call.cc,
- testsuite/libffi.special/unwindtest.cc: Remove xfail for mips64*-*-*.
-2007-08-10 David Daney
- PR libffi/28313
- * configure.ac: Don't treat mips64 as a special case.
- * Makefile.am (nodist_libffi_la_SOURCES): Add n32.S.
- * configure: Regenerate
- * Makefile.in: Ditto.
- * fficonfig.h.in: Ditto.
- * src/mips/ffitarget.h (REG_L, REG_S, SUBU, ADDU, SRL, LI): Indent.
- (LA, EH_FRAME_ALIGN, FDE_ADDR_BYTES): New preprocessor macros.
- (FFI_DEFAULT_ABI): Set for n64 case.
- (FFI_CLOSURES, FFI_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE): Define for n32 and n64 cases.
- * src/mips/n32.S (ffi_call_N32): Add debug macros and labels for FDE.
- (ffi_closure_N32): New function.
- (.eh_frame): New section
- * src/mips/o32.S: Clean up comments.
- (ffi_closure_O32): Pass ffi_closure parameter in $12.
- * src/mips/ffi.c: Use FFI_MIPS_N32 instead of
- _MIPS_SIM == _ABIN32 throughout.
- (FFI_MIPS_STOP_HERE): New, use in place of
- ffi_stop_here.
- (ffi_prep_args): Use unsigned long to hold pointer values. Rewrite
- to support n32/n64 ABIs.
- (calc_n32_struct_flags): Rewrite.
- (calc_n32_return_struct_flags): Remove unused variable. Reverse
- position of flag bits.
- (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): Rewrite n32 portion.
- (ffi_call): Enable for n64. Add special handling for small structure
- return values.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Add n32 and n64 support.
- (ffi_closure_mips_inner_O32): Add cast to silence warning.
- (copy_struct_N32, ffi_closure_mips_inner_N32): New functions.
-2007-08-08 David Daney
- * testsuite/libffi.call/ffitest.h (ffi_type_mylong): Remove definition.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint16.c (main): Use correct type
- specifiers.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct1.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_sint.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct9.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte1.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte1.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn1.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn3.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_dbl2.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_sshort.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_fl3.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn5.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct10.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_ll1.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_8byte.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_uint32.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint16.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_20byte.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct2.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_24byte.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/nested_struct6.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_uint.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_12byte.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_16byte.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn0.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_9byte2.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn2.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_dbl1.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn4.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/closure_fn6.c (main): Ditto.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_sint32.c (main): Ditto.
-2007-08-07 Andrew Haley
- * src/x86/sysv.S (ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Fix typo in previous
- checkin.
-2007-08-06 Andrew Haley
- PR testsuite/32843
- * src/x86/sysv.S (ffi_closure_raw_SYSV): Handle FFI_TYPE_UINT8,
-2007-08-02 David Daney
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_ul.c (main): Define return type as
- ffi_arg. Use proper printf conversion specifier.
-2007-07-30 Andrew Haley
- PR testsuite/32843
- * src/x86/ffi.c (ffi_prep_cif_machdep): in x86 case, add code for
- signed/unsigned int8/16.
- * src/x86/sysv.S (ffi_call_SYSV): Rewrite to:
- Use a jump table.
- Remove code to pop args from the stack after call.
- Special-case signed/unsigned int8/16.
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_sc.c (main): Revert.
-2007-07-26 Richard Guenther
- PR testsuite/32843
- * testsuite/libffi.call/return_sc.c (main): Verify call
- result as signed char, not ffi_arg.
-2007-07-16 Rainer Orth
- * configure.ac (i?86-*-solaris2.1[0-9]): Set TARGET to X86_64.
- * configure: Regenerate.
-2007-07-11 David Daney
- * src/mips/ffi.c: Don't include sys/cachectl.h.
- (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Use __builtin___clear_cache() instead of
- cacheflush().
-2007-05-18 Aurelien Jarno
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_prep_closure_loc): Renamed and ajusted
- from (ffi_prep_closure): ... this.
-2005-12-31 Phil Blundell
- * src/arm/ffi.c (ffi_prep_incoming_args_SYSV,
- ffi_closure_SYSV_inner, ffi_prep_closure): New, add closure support.
- * src/arm/sysv.S(ffi_closure_SYSV): Likewise.
- * src/arm/ffitarget.h (FFI_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE): Likewise.
- (FFI_CLOSURES): Enable closure support.
-2007-07-03 Andrew Haley