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Cross-platform software for retrieving basic details and status of uFR Series readers and uFCoder library present on host PC
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Node.js WebSocket Server example for uFR Online working in WebSocket client mode.
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Digital Logic module by PKCS #11 v2.20: Cryptographic Token Interface Standard This standard specifies an application programming interface (API), called “Cryptoki,” to devices which hold cryptographic information and perform cryptographic functions.
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Example Unreal project for using uFR plugin.
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uFR NFC Reader example. React Native Android.
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Source code, c console example of using RGB and RF field in low power mode.
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uFR Shell executables. uFR Shell provides you console mode commands for uFR NFC Readers.
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This project demonstrates uFR support for tag originality check.
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Console example of using uFR Series devices with Atmel AT88RF04C. The project will provide examples of how to use the basic functionalities of AT88RF04C tags. ECLIPSE project, written in GCC.
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Linux based configuration tool for UID Asynchronous mode of the uFR devices. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Raspbian Jessie.
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This is the source code, console C example of 3DES authentication and reading MIFARE Ultralight® C Card. Search terms: console C, Ultralight C
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Executable files of uFR NFC Readers Cross-Platform Server with HTML Example. uFR NFC Reader Cross-Platform Server is designed to communicate with uFR Reader and WEB-Based Applications